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An Affair to Remember

‘An Affair to Remember’

Season 4, Episode 6 - Aired October 28, 2003

Sookie lands her and Lorelai the job of catering Emily's launch party for Richard's new business venture. Meanwhile, Rory struggles to find a quiet place to study.

Quote from Emily

Jason: I couldn't agree more, and that is why I've organized a trip to Atlantic City.
Emily: What?
Jason: You know, get everybody out, away from business, away from their spouses, away from stuffy cocktail-party music and floral arrangements. Have a little crazy fun. You know, good food, lots to drink, maybe a little gambling, a show, and trust me, nothing bonds two businessmen together more than one of them finding the other hung over with a hooker in their bed the next morning.
Emily: What?
Jason: Just a figure of speech, Emily.
Emily: You cannot be serious. These are dignified men and women. There are mobsters in Atlantic City.
Jason: Let's hope so.


Quote from Emily

Richard: Atlantic City it is.
Jason: I think it's a good move, Richard. And Emily, thank you again for the offer. But see, now you can just hang out and relax.
Emily: My two favorite things.

Quote from Kirk

Lulu: Wow, I'm getting the fancy treatment.
Kirk: Well, you did show up.
Lulu: Yes, I did.
Kirk: I hear the meat loaf is excellent here.

Quote from Emily

Lorelai: Mom, what are you talking about?
Emily: Nothing. It's not important.
Lorelai: Mom, come on.
Emily: Jason decided to take the clients to Atlantic City instead. He thinks that's what they would prefer to do. He's probably right anyhow. What do I know?
Lorelai: Did he know all the work you put into this?
Emily: It's really not important, Lorelai. I do this for your father. I have done this for your father for the last 36 years. If he thinks that Jason's right, then it's fine with me. And after all, now I don't have to worry about a party. I can just relax and hang out.
Lorelai: Mom.
Emily: Anyhow, I have to go. I'm wasting all my hanging-out time sitting here talking about this silly party. Send me those receipts and I'll get you a check.
Lorelai: Okay, well, great.
Emily: Apologize to Sookie for me, will you?
Lorelai: Sure.
Emily: We'll see you girls Friday night.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: Number 42, see ya.
Lorelai: You don't have to throw them all out, Sookie.
Sookie: I didn't. I've got twenty in the freezer.
Lorelai: Great.
Sookie: And so do you.
Lorelai: Even better.
Sookie: I already had that money spent. It was going towards a down payment on a safer car. Now little Davey will have to fend for himself rolling around in the back of Daddy's truck.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: No, the tree's still there, but when I went there today, there was this guy sitting there reading trucking magazines and he would not give it up, so now I'm back where I started.
Lorelai: You'll figure something out.
Rory: Yes, I will figure out what my alternate profession will be because now I can't study, I'm gonna flunk out of Yale and I'm gonna have to give up all hope of being a foreign correspondent. This sucks.
Sookie: You're telling me? I'm eating broccoli tarts for the next four years.
Rory: Well, what am I gonna do?
Lorelai: You are gonna suck it up.
Rory: What?
Lorelai: You're in college now, Rory. If your study plan doesn't work, then come up with another one. Just figure it out, but stop complaining because you're not two. And Sookie, in pioneer times, kids traveled across the country in covered wagons and survived. Somehow I think little Davey will live without his minivan.
Rory: Mom, why are you mad?
Lorelai: I have something I have to do. I'll be back in a little while. And have these damn tarts out of here by the time I get home!

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I am not having dinner with you.
Jason: Why not?
Lorelai: Because you just had me fired. You just insulted my mother.
Jason: It's interesting, I didn't know you and your mother were so close.
Lorelai: We're not.
Jason: You're being awfully protective of her.
Lorelai: Well, every family has a Fredo.
Jason: Yeah, and Fredo's family put two in the back of his head.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Look, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about the other day. I got a little wound up because I do that sometimes. I get too structured and too serious and I just have to adjust, you know, because we're in college and college is about change, and you have my study tree, so yeah, I just I have to be okay with that and just learn to kind of go with the flow. So I just wanted to tell you that, and I'm sorry if I interrupted you again.
Man: That's okay.
Rory: I'll give you twenty bucks for the tree.
Man: You're gonna pay me for the tree?
Rory: Go with the flow, man.
Man: You're on.

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