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The One with All the Kissing

‘The One with All the Kissing’

Season 5, Episode 2 - Aired October 1, 1998

Phoebe feels left out when all her friends keep reminiscing about their trip to London. After Rachel and Phoebe see Chandler kiss Monica, he is forced to adopt a new "European" style of goodbye. Meanwhile, Ross has trouble trying to reach Emily, while Rachel is angry with him for leaving her on a plane to Greece.

Quote from Phoebe

Joey: You know how you were talking about how you didn't get to go to London and you were kind of feeling left out?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Joey: Well, we all felt really bad about that, so we decided we should all take a little trip together.
Phoebe: Oh, that's so nice. How great. Where? Where's the trip?
Monica: Well, we thought we would all go to a picnic ... in Central Park!
Phoebe: Central Park?
Joey: Yeah. All of us. All day.
Phoebe: That sucks! That's not a trip! I just came from the park. What are we going to high-five about at the stupid Central Park? Oh, it's right by my house. All right!


Quote from Joey

Chandler: Phoebe, we decided that the picnic idea was a little- It didn't have any- Well, it blew. So, we thought that this afternoon we'd all go away for the whole weekend to Atlantic City.
Phoebe: Ooh, Atlantic City! Oh, that's a great plan. Whose plan was that?
Joey: Mine.
Ross: Wait, it was my plan.
Joey: No, I said we needed a new plan.
Ross: And I came up with Atlantic City.
Joey: Which is the new plan.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: I think I'm just going to say it. I'm just going to say it. I'm still in love with you, Ross.
Ross: Wow, uh. Huh. I'm- Wow. I'm not sure what to do with that right now.
[Rachel starts laughing]
Ross: What? Was that a joke? Because it's mean.
Rachel: I'm so dead serious. I'm totally serious.
Ross: Why are you laughing?
Rachel: Because I just heard it. I heard it. And it's ridiculous. I mean. You're married. You're married, and it's just ridiculous. It's like when I said it, I sort of floated up out of my body, you know. And then I heard myself say it, and then the floating Rachel - I was like, "You are such an idiot!" [laughing]

Quote from Ross

Ross: Well, I am married.
Rachel: I know.
Ross: Even though I haven't spoken to her since the wedding.
Rachel: [laughing] I'm sorry. That's not funny.
Ross: Actually, it kind of is. My wife won't return my calls. [laughs] I don't know where my wife is.
"Hey, Ross! Where's the missus?" "Don't know."

Quote from Phoebe

Joey: Phoebe, you're leaking.
Monica: Oh, my God. Your water broke.
Phoebe: Oh, okay. Well, don't worry. I call shotgun.
Chandler: Pheebs, we have to take you to the hospital now.
Ross: Pheebs, the babies are coming now.
Rachel: Honey, high-five. The babies are coming! Whoo!
Phoebe: Hey, hey. Remember when my water broke?

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Oh, I have to tell you this story. I was coming over and this cabdriver-
Joey: Was his name Angus?
Phoebe: What?
Joey: He was this cabdriver we had in London.
Phoebe: Oh. Ha, ha, ha. All right. Anyway-
Monica: What was that place, that pub that he took us to?
Chandler: The Wheat Sheaf.
Joey: Yeah, and they had that beer, that-
Monica: Boddington's!
Joey: Boddington's.
Chandler: Oh, Phoebe was going to tell a story.
Phoebe: Okay. So he had a really funny hat. I don't want to talk about it.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Having some trouble?
Monica: Rachel locked the door.
Joey: I'll kick that door in if you give me some sugar.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Hey, Ross. Boddington's.
Ross: Boddington's.
Joey: Oh, yeah. That was good beer. You know, I'd walk back to London for another one of those frosty bad boys.

Quote from Monica

Monica: But she should be here by now.
Ross: So you talked to her? Did she sound mad?
Monica: No. But she likes me. You abandoned her on a plane to Greece.

Quote from Ross

Phoebe: You still haven't heard from Emily?
Ross: Not since I lost her at the airport.
Chandler: I can't believe she can outrun you.
Ross: Hey! She's fast, okay? You think you can beat me? Let's go. Outside!

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