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The One Where Phoebe Runs

‘The One Where Phoebe Runs’

Season 6, Episode 7 - Aired November 11, 1999

Rachel is embarrassed when she goes for a jog with Phoebe. Meanwhile, Chandler panics after he cleans the apartment and forgets where everything went, and Joey finds a new roommate.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Let's just get this out in the open, okay? You're hot. I'm lovable. Clearly, there's a vibe going on between us. But we're roommates and it's a huge mistake for us to continue down this road.
Janine: Joey-
Joey: No, no, no. I'm telling you, imagine yourself living in a supermarket and you will understand.


Quote from Joey

Janine: You know, I just don't feel that way about you.
Joey: Oh. I see what happened. It's because I was trying to repel you. Right? Believe me, you'd feel a lot different if I turned it on.
Janine: I don't think so.
Joey: Oh, I do. How you doin'?
Janine: I'm okay.
Joey: What?
Janine: What?
Joey: Oh, dear God.

Quote from Phoebe

Rachel: Phoebe, come on ,can we finish this later? Because I want to go running before it gets dark. Oh, why don't you come with me?
Phoebe: Really?
Rachel: Yeah, it'll be fun. We'll run in the park. It'll be like our first roommate-bonding thing.
Phoebe: Okay, let's go running.
Rachel: Yeah, and there's really cute guys there.
Phoebe: Let's run towards them.

Quote from Joey

Monica: Joey, did you even interview this woman before you asked her to move in?
Joey: Of course, I did.
Monica: What exactly did you ask her?
Joey: When can you move in?

Quote from Ross

Ross: Thank you for bringing her into our lives.

Quote from Chandler

Chandler: Unbelievable.
Monica: Oh. Oh, so you like her too, Chandler?
Chandler: Hey, look at all the boxes.

Quote from Ross

Joey: I cannot wait to ask her out.
Monica: Wait a minute, Joey. Joey, you can't ask her out. She's your roommate. It'll be way too complicated.
Ross: Yeah, man, don't do it. I mean, if you date her, then I can't date her.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: I don't know how to get out of it. I mean, I live with her.
Monica: Why don't you just be straight with her? Tell her the truth.
Rachel: You're right. I should just tell her the truth.
Phoebe: Hey.
Rachel: Hey, Pheebs, Monica tripped me. I don't think I can ever run again, ever!

Quote from Joey

Chandler: You know what? Monica's gonna be working late, so I am gonna make this place spotless. You know what else I'm going to do? Know what else I'm going to do? I'm gonna go downstairs, I'm gonna get her some flowers. Now, who would not want to live with me?
Joey: I don't. No, I want to live with the super-hot Australian dancer.

Quote from Chandler

Ross: Did you get Monica's authorization to move all of her stuff?
Chandler: Authorization? I don't need that. I'm going to put everything back.
Ross: Put it back exactly where you found it?
Chandler: Yes. I'm gonna put it back exactly where I found it.
Ross: Okay, first of all, that attitude is not helping.

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