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The One Hundredth

‘The One Hundredth’

Season 5, Episode 3 - Aired October 8, 1998

The group follow Phoebe to the hospital when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Chandler is upset when Rachel sets Monica up on a date, and Joey has his own painful delivery after he's diagnosed with kidney stones.

Quote from Chandler

Dr. Harad: Let's see what we got here. Oh, you know, Fonzie dated triplets.
Chandler: This Fonzie person you keep referring to is that another doctor?
Dr. Harad: Oh, no, no. Fonzie is the nickname of Arthur Fonzerelli. The Fonz.
Chandler: All right.


Quote from Phoebe

Frank: It's not that weird, is it?
Phoebe: It's very weird. I don't want some guy down there telling me I'm "dilated-a-mundo."

Quote from Phoebe

Ross: Phoebe, this is Dr. Oberman. He has no strong feelings about Fonzie or any of the Happy Days gang.
Phoebe: Hi. You're going into what grade?
Dr. Oberman: I'm actually a first-year resident, but I get that along. See, I graduated early.
Phoebe: Uh-huh, uh-uh. Me too. Ross, maybe I should have specified that I'd be needing a grown-up doctor.
Dr. Oberman: Oh, no. Really, I'm fully qualified-
Phoebe: Doogie! Ssh. Doesn't anybody understand that I'm going to be having babies soon? Huh? Go! Go, little boy! Go!
Frank: Oh, cool. You made him cry.

Quote from Phoebe

Dr. Harad: Oh, you're getting there. These babies are very, very lucky.
Phoebe: They are? Why?
Dr. Harad: They have the honor of being born on the Fonz's half-birthday.
Phoebe: Happy Birthday.
Dr. Harad: Just to clarify, I'm not Fonzie.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: Honey, I just got to tell you. I think it's a terrific thing that you're having these babies for Frank and Alice.
Phoebe: No, it is. Can I tell you a little secret?
Rachel: Yeah.
Phoebe: I want to keep one.
Rachel: Oh, I'm gonna be on the news.

Quote from Phoebe

Frank: Hey. You know, Alice is going to be here, like, so soon. You couldn't just do me a favor and, like, hold them in?
Phoebe: Sorry, Frank, I'm kind of in the middle of the last favor you asked me to do.

Quote from Joey

Doctor: Are you ready? It's time to try peeing.
[Joey gets a determined look on his face]
Doctor: Wait, wait, wait. It's almost time to try peeing.

Quote from Phoebe

Dr. Farad: You ready to push again?
Phoebe: I already had a baby. Leave me alone.

Quote from Chandler

Frank: Chandler's a girl.
Chandler: Oh, God. Kindergarten flashback.
Frank: They must have read the sonogram wrong, because they thought it was a boy. But Chandler's a girl. Chandler's a girl!
Chandler: Okay, keep saying it.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: So here you are. It seems like yesterday I was talking to you in that petri dish. Everyone said labor was the hardest thing I'd ever have to do. But they were wrong, this is.
Well, I had the most fun with you guys. I wish I could take you home and see you every day.
Okay, I'll settle for being your favorite aunt. I know Alice's sister has a pool, but you lived in me.
Okay, so we're cool. We're gonna be great. Little high-fives. Well, if you're going to cry...

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