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The One After Vegas

‘The One After Vegas’

Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired September 23, 1999

The events of their drunken night in Vegas slowly come back to Ross and Rachel. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Joey drive back to New York in her cab, and Monica and Chandler consider taking a step forward in their relationship.

Quote from Phoebe

Rachel: Do you guys wanna go see a movie?
Ross: Yeah, why not?
Rachel: Pheebs?
Phoebe: No thanks, I've already seen one.


Quote from Phoebe

Attendant: No running in the chapel.
Phoebe: Hey, don't you give me any of your-

Quote from Phoebe

Joey: So I guess I'll fly home with you guys. What time is your flight?
Phoebe: What about my cab?
Joey: Well, I don't need that anymore.
Phoebe: No, Joey, you borrowed my cab. You have to drive it back.
Joey: I don't wanna drive all the way back by myself. It gets so lonely. Oh, ooh, how about if you come with me?
Phoebe: I don't know. It's such a long trip.
Joey: It would be great. We could talk and play games. This could be our chance to, like, renew our friendship.
Phoebe: Are you asking me to have a "frienaissance"?
Joey: Sure?
Phoebe: All right, although I don't think we really need one, baby. I never stopped loving you.

Quote from Phoebe

Monica: How do I tell Chandler that it's too soon? It's gonna break his heart. He's gonna think I don't love him anymore.
Phoebe: Well, you don't.
Monica: Yes, I do.
Phoebe: Good. Good. I was just testing you.
Chandler: Hey.
Monica: Oh, hi. Hi. You know, we were just talking about bacon.
Phoebe: No, we were talking about tennis. Tennis is more believable.

Quote from Ross

Rachel: All right. Look, just please take a moment here and think about what you're asking of me. Okay?
Ross: I am asking you to do me a favor.
Rachel: You are asking me to be your wife.
Ross: And, as my wife, I think you should grant me this favor.

Quote from Phoebe

Joey: Come on, Pheebs, I can't take this anymore. Please talk to me. Let me make it up to you.
[singing] Ground control to Major Tom, Commencing countdown, Engines on, Take your protein pills, And put your helmet on, This is-
Phoebe: Stop it. Stop it. No. That's not fair. You know I can't resist that beautiful voice.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Oh, that's your thing.
Ross: What?
Phoebe: Your thing, your thing. You're the guy who gets divorced.
Chandler: Oh, yeah.
Ross: No, no, that's not "my thing." I do not love getting divorced.
Phoebe: Yes, you do.This is your third divorce. You love divorce so much, you're probably gonna marry it ... and then it won't work out, so you're gonna have to divorce it. Divorcing guy. [laughs] I'm so drunk.

Quote from Monica

Monica: So what should we do?
Chandler: I don't know. I know I love you.
Monica: I know I love you.

Quote from Joey

Chandler: I love her and everything, but seeing Ross and Rachel come out of that chapel was like a wake-up call that Monica and I are moving so fast, you know. How do I tell her without crushing her?
Joey: Oh. Tell her she's not marriage material.
Chandler: What?
Joey: Girls say it to me all the time. And if she's anything like me, she's just gonna be relieved.

Quote from Monica

Chandler: Where are we on the whole "going back to where they have the marriages" thing? I love you.
Monica: That's a good question. Last night we let the dice decide. Maybe we should leave it up to fate again. I love you.

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