Ronee Lawrence Quotes     Page 3 of 4  

Quote from Freudian Sleep

Martin: It happened so fast, then he got all excited and I didn't know what to say.
Ronee: Well, how about "I was talking to the dog?"
Frasier: Well, you know, the poor guy's going through a bad patch right now. He could use a little company. We don't have to spend any time with him.
Ronee: Marty, you know I love Frasier, but this was supposed to be our weekend. You know, you and me, alone.
Martin: I know.
Ronee: But hey, why stop at Frasier? Why not invite Niles and Daphne and make it a party?
Niles: [entering the kitchen] We'd love to! Thank you, Ronee! Thanks, Dad! Frasier...


Quote from Freudian Sleep

Frasier: Morning.
Daphne: You're finally up. How'd you sleep?
Frasier: Perfectly. I was borne off to dreamland by the cooing of a morning dove.
Ronee: Oh, I heard that too. I think the weasels are in heat.

Quote from Boo!

Martin: Well, I'm sorry it's not dramatic enough for you.
Ronee: Look, after all that build up, I just thought it would be something bigger, all right? Like you were gonna break up with me or pop the question or something. And F.Y.I., the next time you're in the hospital, I would appreciate a phone call if it's not too much trouble.
Martin: Fine! And F.Y.I., I'm not breaking up with you.
Ronee: Well, I know that now.

Quote from Boo!

Martin: Hey guys, guess what? I'm getting married!
Ronee: Well, come on boys. Give your ol' mom a kiss!

Quote from Miss Right Now

Martin: Hey, Ronee, better get dressed. You can't look like that when she gets here.
Ronee: Oh, she not coming for another hour.
Frasier: Who?
Martin: Ronee's mother.
Ronee: Your grandmother.
Frasier: Stop that!

Quote from Miss Right Now

Ronee: You may get away with this now, young man, but once I'm your mother...
Frasier: Oh, get out!

Quote from Miss Right Now

Betty: All right, Veronica, we've had dessert, we've dropped him off, can we go now?
Ronee: No.
Betty: I don't want to spend another moment in this house!
Ronee: Well, fine, then you go, but I'm staying here with Marty.
Martin: Oh, sure, okay, Ronee, I'll just make up the couch for you.
Ronee: Just drop it, Marty. Yes, Mother, we are sleeping together. And he's not the first. Or the second. In fact, I'm well into double digits now.
Martin: Okay, we got the picture!

Quote from Goodnight, Seattle

Martin: [calling] Ronee! While we're young.
Ronee: [enters] Too late.

Quote from Goodnight, Seattle

Niles: Well, I'm- I'm sure you can find someplace else.
Martin: Oh, but we had our hearts set on the Branford Inn. It's where we had our second date.
Ronee: Yeah, we had a little too much wine, and the couple at the next table said "get a room," and so we did.

Quote from Goodnight, Seattle

Rachel: Here we go.
Frasier: Oh my God, he's beautiful!
Ronee: Yeah, that twin's gonna be jealous his whole life.

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