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Quote from Ronee in Freudian Sleep

Martin: It happened so fast, then he got all excited and I didn't know what to say.
Ronee: Well, how about "I was talking to the dog?"
Frasier: Well, you know, the poor guy's going through a bad patch right now. He could use a little company. We don't have to spend any time with him.
Ronee: Marty, you know I love Frasier, but this was supposed to be our weekend. You know, you and me, alone.
Martin: I know.
Ronee: But hey, why stop at Frasier? Why not invite Niles and Daphne and make it a party?
Niles: [entering the kitchen] We'd love to! Thank you, Ronee! Thanks, Dad! Frasier...

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