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Frasier Loves Roz

‘Frasier Loves Roz’

Season 3, Episode 22 - Aired May 7, 1996

Frasier is conflicted when Niles confides in him about a womanising patient, who just happens to be Roz's new boyfriend. As Frasier tries to warn Roz while keeping Niles' confidence, she gets the idea that Frasier is in love with her.

Quote from Martin

Martin: My name's Martin Crane. When I made this tape, I was sixty-four years old. But now ... I'm dead! Trapped in a box, underground. Pretty scary, huh? [laughs maniacally]


Quote from Martin

Niles: Dad, surely you must have some message you want to leave for the Cranes of the twenty-first century?
Martin: All right, all right, I do. Remember to always work hard, and that family comes first. And... I have a million bucks in unmarked bills that I took off a drug dealer that I have stashed in my old army foot locker. The combination is left fifteen, right thirty-two, left- [fakes choking]
[Niles points the camera towards himself]
Niles: Future generations: see what I had to put up with?

Quote from Frasier

Niles: It would be so much easier if Roz were mentally incompetent.
Frasier: Go on.
Niles: Well, then there'd be some justification for protecting her. Is she irrational?
Frasier: She did attack a vending machine once. When a Twinkie came out of the Oreo chute.
Niles: Borderline, borderline. Does she ever act delusional?
Frasier: Well, she often claims that she is responsible for the success of our show.
Niles: Building, building. Does she display below-average intelligence?
Frasier: She once ordered a bottle of white Zinfandel.
Niles: Jackpot! Go to her, she's a threat to herself.
Frasier: It's amazing they even let the woman drive.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: Well, Roz, I think your whole problem stems from some unresolved issues that cause you to choose the men you date. Always flashy and superficial, offering no prospect of a lasting relationship.
Roz: Why would I do that?
Frasier: Maybe fear of commitment, fear of being hurt. But maybe it's time you started looking at different kinds of men. You know, men who are more settled, a little less flash and more substance.
Roz: You're probably right, Frasier. You klnow, if I were smart, I'd go out with the next guy I see I'm not the least bit attracted to.
[Bulldog wheels his cart into the booth]
Bulldog: [lisping] Roz, Roz. I just bit my tongue. Can you kiss it and make it better?
Roz: The next one after him.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Whoa! That's the ugliest thing I ever saw.
Roz: I'm going to a wedding.
Bulldog: Oh, I love weddings. Never been to a wedding where I didn't bag at least one bridesmaid. And the uglier the dress, the quicker they want to get out of them. This one would hit the floor before the rice.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Sometimes I feel he comes in not so much for help as to brag. He claims to have been with, at last count, one hundred and fifty women.
Frasier: Oh puh-leease. A hundred and fifty.
Niles: As if anything over, say, seven weren't absurd.
Frasier: Well, I would say eleven, but I get your point.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: But that is the last man that Roz should be with!
Niles: Well, don't worry. Knowing Roz, he won't be.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: He is the greatest guy. You know, when I first met him, I thought, "He's not my type." Then I remembered what you said. And I'm so glad you gave me that advice, Frasier, because without it, I would never have given him a second look.
Frasier: Well, Roz, let's not rule out that all-important third look.

Quote from Daphne

Roz: Can I ask you something? Does Frasier seem weird to you?
Daphne: Oh God, yes.
Roz: I haven't even finished my question yet.
Daphne: Yes, well, when you know the answer, it's hard not to hit the buzzer.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: I couldn't help overhearing the last part of your conversation there. You think you're not rushing things
a little bit with Ben? Are you really that serious?
Roz: Yes, I am.
Frasier: But you know, there are a lot of men in the world.
Roz: And lots of women, too.
Frasier: Well, that's more of a personal preference but I-
Roz: I meant for you.

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