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Quote from Roz in Frasier Loves Roz

Frasier: Well, Roz, I think your whole problem stems from some unresolved issues that cause you to choose the men you date. Always flashy and superficial, offering no prospect of a lasting relationship.
Roz: Why would I do that?
Frasier: Maybe fear of commitment, fear of being hurt. But maybe it's time you started looking at different kinds of men. You know, men who are more settled, a little less flash and more substance.
Roz: You're probably right, Frasier. You klnow, if I were smart, I'd go out with the next guy I see I'm not the least bit attracted to.
[Bulldog wheels his cart into the booth]
Bulldog: [lisping] Roz, Roz. I just bit my tongue. Can you kiss it and make it better?
Roz: The next one after him.

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