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Everybody Hates Snitches

‘Everybody Hates Snitches’

Season 4, Episode 7 - Aired November 14, 2008

When Chris sneaks out of the house to see a movie, he witnesses a shooting which the police offer a $1,000 reward for information about. Meanwhile, Julius and Rochelle celebrate their anniversary with a Broadway show.

Quote from Jerome

Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father was out of the doghouse but Jerome was still stuck in the big house.
Chris: [answers phone] Hello?
Jerome: Little dude from across the street?
Chris: Jerome?
Jerome: Yo, you got to get me out of here, man. People think I'm a snitch.
Chris: And how am I supposed to do that?
Jerome: I ain't no snitch, so even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you. All I know is I'm in here because of you, so either we both gonna be out or we both gonna be in. You decide.


Quote from Rochelle

Police Officer: As I'm sure you're aware, last Friday at the midnight movies, Chris was a witness to a shooting.
Rochelle: He was?
Police Officer: Yes. And the valuable information he gave us led us to the arrest of the perpetrator.
Rochelle: Wait, hold on. Last Friday? At midnight?
Police Officer: Yes. You didn't know?
Rochelle: No.
Police Officer: Well, anyway, I'm just here to personally deliver this reward of $1,000 and to thank him. Is he around?
Rochelle: He's around. But I'm not sure how much longer. Officer, thank you so much for coming by. I'll be sure that he gets this.

Quote from Drew

[As Drew walks barefoot on hot coals in the hallway:]
Police Officer: If you don't mind me asking, what in the world is he doing?
Drew: Well, he's trying to get on That's Incredible.
Police Officer: Son, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but That's Incredible has been off the air for two years now. They're called reruns.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The only thing that hurt more than Drew's feet was my sore behind after my mom gave me a whoopin'.

Quote from Jerome

Jerome: Little dude, you snitched?
Chris: Yeah.
Jerome: Thanks.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That day I learned people don't like it when a snitch puts them in jail, but they sure don't mind it when a snitch gets them out.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Becoming manager of the football team had its perks. I wasn't exactly part of the cool crowd, but I did get to be around them.
Walter Dickerson: Hey, yo, Chris, this milk smells funny. Taste this, and tell me if it's spoiled.
Chris: Yeah, it's spoiled.
Walter Dickerson: Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, like I was saying. Taimak is gonna be the next Bruce Lee.
Chris: Taimak? You mean Taimak from The Last Dragon? That Taimak?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] No, Taimak from CNN.
Walter Dickerson: Yeah, that's right. I love that movie.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] After The Last Dragon, karate became more popular in the ghetto than poverty. Everybody was doing it. Boys were doing karate. Girls were doing it. Even old people were doing it. He's not doing karate, he's just crazy.

Quote from Chris

Walter Dickerson: Hey, we're going to see a midnight show in Times Square. You can come if you want.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] No, I can't.
Chris: Midnight?
Walter Dickerson: Yeah, what's the matter? Past your bedtime?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Yes!
Chris: Nah. I just I just had this party I was supposed to go to, but you know, I guess I can skip that.
Walter Dickerson: All right, cool. We'll see you there.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Not at midnight you won't.

Quote from Chris

Greg: Wow, I can't believe you're going to go to see The Last Dragon with Dickerson and his crew. You are so in there.
Chris: No, Greg, I'm not. My parents aren't gonna let me see a midnight movie.
Greg: Then why'd you say yes?
Chris: Because I didn't want to look like some punk who can't get out of the house past 9:00.
Greg: But since you are, what are you gonna tell them after you don't show up?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That I got sent to jail for killing my nerdy White friend?

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Between this hair and my Armando Vermani bag, I don't think I'm-a be able to stand myself. Ooh, ooh.

Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While my mom was gearing up to go out, I was bailing out to stay in.
Chris: Hey, Dickerson, I can't make it to that movie tonight. It's my cousin's birthday and she's really counting on me to be at the party.
Walter Dickerson: All right, man, but you're missing out.
Chris: Next time.
Walter Dickerson: Yeah, maybe.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And maybe I'll never get invited out again.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While my parents were at the play, I was getting ready to make a play. [Chris finds Drew sleeping on a bed of nails] That's not incredible, that's just stupid. [Chris checks on Tonya] She sleeps like an angel but acts like the Devil.

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