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Everybody Hates Math

‘Everybody Hates Math’

Season 2, Episode 21 - Aired May 7, 2007

Chris needs help with algebra if Ms. Morello's class is to win a pizza party, so he turns to his grandmother, Maxine (Loretta Devine). Meanwhile, Drew breaks his dad's chair, and Julius gives Risky a job.

Quote from Rochelle

Chris: You know I didn't mean to upset you.
Rochelle: Who's upset? I'm not upset. You want to learn algebra with your grandma, that's fine by me.
Chris: It is?
Rochelle: No, it's not. Why would you go running to her instead of me? What was wrong with the way I was teaching you?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Everything.
Chris: Nothing.
Rochelle: Something.
Chris: It's just that the way you were teaching me, I couldn't get it.
Rochelle: Well, I was doing the best I could.
Chris: I know, and that's okay. Because there's a lot of other things I learn from you.
Rochelle: Yeah?
Chris: Yeah, like, don't put plaids and stripes together. And don't leave fake leather on the radiator, 'cause it'll melt. And, don't answer the phone past 7, because it's probably a bill collector.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The advice about White girls was priceless.


Quote from Greg

Chris: So, what? You're going to help me?
Greg: I'd like to, but I'm already tutoring six other dumb kids. Plus, my aunt's over this week. She's got something planned with the family every night this week. Tonight we're driving over the Verrazano Bridge.
Greg: Maybe someone else can help you.
Chris: Nobody here is going to help me.
Greg: You gotta do something. I want that pizza.
Chris: Greg, you eat pizza every day.
Greg: Yeah, but this is free.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] When I was in school, students usually got recognition for one of two things: being really good...
Mrs. Milone: This year's Valedictorian is Stephanie Borelli.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] ...and being really bad.
Mrs. Milone: I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your son is an idiot.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I was usually somewhere in the middle. Until it came to algebra.

Quote from Adult Chris

Ms. Morello: Chris, are you paying attention?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?
Chris: Yes.
Ms. Morello: It's a simple two-step equation. Minus nine X, plus one, equals minus 80. What is x?
Chris: Eighty-nine?
Ms. Morello: Eighty-no.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Monkey toe.
Greg: X equals positive nine.
Ms. Morello: Correct.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Why didn't you just ask him in the first place?

Quote from Adult Chris

Ms. Morello: Chris, I need to talk to you.
Chris: Yes?
Ms. Morello: You realize this week is our pizza competition.
Chris: I know.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Every year, the math classes at Corleone competed for a pizza day. Next to the last day of school, it was everybody's favorite day. At my old school, if you got a high score in math, all you got was this...
Bully: An "A" in math? I bet that "A" won't keep me from kicking your ass.

Quote from Chris

Rochelle: You know, your grandmother was a great algebra teacher.
Chris: Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. So you think she can work with me?
Rochelle: You could work with me. I know algebra like the back of my hand.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Which will probably end up upside my head.
Chris: So you're going to tutor me?
Rochelle: You want that pizza, don't you?
Chris: Yeah.
Rochelle: Besides, I don't want my mother thinking my kids are dumb.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Your kids? What about her kid?

Quote from Julius

Adult Chris: [v.o.] So Risky took his biggest risk of all. He got a job.
Julius: You 10 minutes late.
Risky: Sorry, man. Look, I appreciate you hiring me, but I haven't had a regular job in ten years. But, hey, I'm here and I'm ready.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Yeah. Ready to give my father high blood pressure.
Julius: Look, I'd like to help you out, but be late tomorrow, and that's it.

Quote from Tonya

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Tonya loved her TV time. And to her, TV time meant no Drew time.
Tonya: What do you think you're doing?
Drew: I'm sitting down.
Tonya: You can't sit in Daddy's chair.
Drew: You're the one taking up the whole couch.
Tonya: So? Sit on the floor.
Drew: I don't want to sit on the floor.
Tonya: Well, I'm telling Daddy.
Drew: Telling Daddy what? [Drew jumps back into Julius's chair]
Tonya: Telling Daddy that you broke his chair. You are going to be in so much trouble.

Quote from Chris

Greg: I don't get it. If your mom knows algebra, why don't you want her to tutor you?
Chris: 'Cause when I'm working with her, I never learn anything. She's like Bobby Knight. All she does is scream and point.

Quote from Adult Chris

Rochelle: No, no! If you multiply on one side, you have to multiply on the other side.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That moment was the closest I ever came to giving up and hitting the pipe.
Chris: Mom, can we please take a break?
Rochelle: [sighs] Okay, baby, you know what? I think we're getting a little closer. I can feel it.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If it's utter despair, I can I can feel it, too.

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