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Everybody Hates Corleone

‘Everybody Hates Corleone’

Season 1, Episode 18 - Aired April 13, 2006

Fed up of being bullied at Corleone, Chris tries to get kicked out of school. Meanwhile, Julius gets a great new job at the fish market, but the family don't care for the smell he brings home.

Quote from Joey Caruso

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Finally someone was being nice to me.
Sydney: I'm going to beat your butt in Ms. Pacman.
Chris: Oh, we'll see about that.
Joey Caruso: Surprise, Donkey Kong.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I knew it was too good to be true.
[Greg runs away]
Chris: Greg!
Boy: Run away, you little idiot.
Joey Caruso: Get him!
[Caruso and his mob throw water balloons and paint bombs at Chris]
Joey Caruso: Silly Negro.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] You know what? I think it's time for this silly Negro to get out of this school.


Quote from Rochelle

Julius: What happened to him? He looks like a wet mime.
Rochelle: Nothing, he got in an accident at school.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother never liked to bother my father with bad news. Like the time Tonya got hit by a bus.
[flashback: Rochelle holding a juice box up to Tonya who is wearing a neck brace and has her arms in slings and her legs in casts:]
Julius: What happened to Tonya?
Rochelle: Nothing.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Or the time Drew got his legs cut off.
[flashback: Rochelle is Drew on a wheelchair:]
Julius: What happened to Drew?
Rochelle: Nothing.

Quote from Julius

Julius: Man, for the first time in years I only have to work one job. And I'll be working during the day. It's going to feel like retirement.
Tonya: So does this mean we don't have to be quiet every day when we come home from school?
Julius: You can make all the noise you want, until 6:00.
Drew: Hey, Dad, can we start buying name brands at the store now?
Julius: Mmm. Just Oreos.
Drew: That's cool.

Quote from Greg

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Since my mother wouldn't let me leave Corleone, I had to take drastic measures.
Greg: You're going to get yourself kicked out?
Chris: I have to get out of here. What other choice do I have?
Greg: I don't know. I guess I just don't want you to go. You leave me here by myself, I'm toast.
Chris: You'll be all right. The only reason why they mess with you is 'cause you hang out with me. You'll find new friends.
Greg: But we're a team, man. We're like Starsky and Hutch. Hall and Oates.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Like Itchy and Blacky.

Quote from Chris

Chris: We'll still be friends. I'll just be at a different school.
Greg: So you think it's going to be different at the other school?
Chris: Yeah. Real different.
Soul Train Teacher: Hey, what's your name, kid?
Chris: Chris.
Soul Train Teacher: What's your sign?
Chris: Gemini.
Soul Train Teacher: All right. This cool cat sailed around the world on the Nia, Pinta and the Santa Maria. I will give you a year's supply of Black Fro Sheen if you can unscramble his name.
[Chris dances after rearranging "cslmuoub" to spell "Columbus"]

Quote from Rochelle

Tonya: Mama, when we go to the Great Escape, can we get on the Neck Snapper?
Rochelle: No, and if you get on the Neck Snapper, the next ride you'll be on will be the Butt Whupper.
Drew: Besides, Tonya, you're too little. Chris and I are riding it twice.

Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Come hell or high water, I was getting kicked out of school.
[After Chris pulls the fire alarm, the science teacher and his students run out of their smoke-filled class room]
Science Teacher: Oh! Thank you. Thank you. Another 30 seconds in there we would have been blacker than you.

Quote from Chris

Rochelle: You got suspended?
Chris: It was an accident.
Rochelle: Well, how can you accidentally have an accident?
Chris: Some kid was messing with me, so I tried to hit him with my book.
Rochelle: Chris, if you were reading the book instead of throwing the book, maybe people wouldn't have time to mess with you.
Chris: They always find time to mess with me.
Rochelle: I don't even want to hear it. And don't think you just gonna be laying around here watching Knight Rider all day, okay? You're gonna be here working, you're gonna have chores. You know what? Just go upstairs in your room and wait for your father to get here.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] In our house, "Wait for your father" meant I was getting a whupping.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father took his whuppings very seriously. He had a belt for every infraction. There was the Lying Belt, there was the Stealing Belt, the Lying and Stealing Belt, the Got Somebody Pregnant Belt. And the worst was the Doing Drugs Belt. [A belt with a holster and a gun inside]

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While I was getting ready for my punishment, my mother was getting ready for my father.
Rochelle: He's crazy if he think he gonna be coming up in this house smelling it up like 42nd Street. Oh, no, no, no. People in this neighborhood ain't gonna talk about me.
[later, Rochelle lights candles after covering all the furniture in plastic:]
Julius: Rochelle, what you doing?
Rochelle: Uniform was stinking up the whole house. I been cleaning up all day, trying to get that smell out of here.
Julius: But what's all this? That's $16 worth of plastic wrap.
Rochelle: This plastic is protecting my furniture. That fish smell was saturating everything.

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