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Season 3, Episode 6 - Aired May 17, 2022

Erin and friends are desperate to get tickets to see Fatboy Slim perform in Derry on Halloween. Meanwhile, Sarah needs Gerry's help to extricate her from an unexpected entanglement.

Quote from Clare

Joe: So, what's the plan then, Sean? You gonna stack them?
Sean: Oh, aye, otherwise I'm looking at two runs, and sure, who has time for that?
Gerry: I could take some of them.
Erin: We have to arrive together, Daddy.
Aunt Sarah: It's an ensemble costume, Gerry.
Sean: Aye, sure, you can't separate the flock.
Erin: We're not swans.
Mary: Need a hand stacking them, Sean?
Sean: Ach, no, I'll be grand. Sure, I'm only after doing it with a load of plasterboard there.
Clare: You're not stacking us, Daddy! We're not plasterboard! We're VIPs, for God's sake!
Sean: True enough. VIPs should travel in style.


Quote from Da Gerry

Aunt Sarah: Ciaran's on his way round. I think it's as good a time as any to call off this engagement.
Gerry: You're not going to tell him here, are you?
Aunt Sarah: No, but he's being told here.
Gerry: And how is that different?
Mary: I said you'd do it for her, love.
Gerry: You said what?
Mary: You don't mind, do you?
Gerry: Of course I mind.
Aunt Sarah: I just think it would be better coming from you, Gerry.
Gerry: Well, I don't. I think people who get themselves accidentally engaged should break off their own accidental engagements.

Quote from Granda Joe

Aunt Sarah: Daddy, Gerry won't tell Ciaran I don't want to marry him.
Joe: Well, I'll tell him.
Aunt Sarah: Really?
Gerry: I don't think your father should tell him, girls.
Aunt Sarah: Why not?
Joe: Then I'll put the pushy wee bastard through that wall.
Gerry: There you are.

Quote from Da Gerry

Gerry: So, Ciaran hasn't done anything wrong and now your father is going to k*ll the poor fella?
Mary: And to think you could have prevented it, Gerry.
Aunt Sarah: Unbelievable.

Quote from James

Fintan: Oh, hello, there. Don't you look fab? No ugly ducklings here, eh?
Erin: We're not swans. Too many feathers. I said go easy on the feathers.
Fintan: Can I see your wee passes there? Lovely stuff. And you're the wee lad who got the shite kicked out of him, is that right?
James: Yeah.
Fintan: Fantastic. Welcome to the VIP suite.

Quote from Michelle

Erin: This is the best night of my life!
Fintan: So, I'll be looking after you this evening. My name is Fintan, but you can call me Fifi.
Michelle: Aye, that won't be happening.
Fintan: Amazing.

Quote from Michelle

Fintan: So, just to let you know, we told Norman your story.
Michelle: [gasps] Norman? Norman, Norman? Fatboy Norman?
Fintan: Ah, sorry, no, our security guard Norman.
Michelle: Right.
Fintan: Of course Fatboy Norman! I couldn't help myself! Jesus, sure, I'm terrible! Aren't I terrible?
Erin: What did he say?
Fintan: That he'd like to meet you.
Michelle: Do not fuck with us, Fifi.
Fintan: I'm serious. He's got a few minutes before he goes on stage. Let me just go and grab him.

Quote from Ma Mary

Joe: Good costumes, girls. They look like the real thing.
Aunt Sarah: They are.
Mary: Well, I still don't think they're worth what we paid, Sarah. Them Sisters of Mercy saw us coming.

Quote from Orla

Announcer: Three minutes until Fatboy Slim is on this very stage, people.
Michelle: Three minutes!
James: Come on, Clare!
Clare: I think I love her, guys!
Michelle: Oh, wise up!
Erin: We'll never find her on time.
Orla: I say we just start whipping people's masks off.

Quote from Erin

Fintan: What in under Whitney? There's nothing wrong with him! He's a nutter! Lying wee shites! No, not the clown, the swans! Grab the swans!
Erin: We're not swans!

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