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Smotherly Love

‘Smotherly Love’

Season 10, Episode 20 - Aired February 27, 1992

Frasier drowns his sorrows when Lilith's controlling mother, Betty, comes to town and wants them to reenact their wedding. Meanwhile, Rebecca hopes Norm will pay off his bar tab when he wins big on a bet.

Quote from Lilith

Lilith: Mother, Frasier and I have spoken, and there's something I have to tell you about my wedding.
Betty Sternin: Oh, I just can't wait to see my little girl married. I am so sorry I missed it the first time!
Lilith: I can't wait either, Mommy.
Betty Sternin: Come along. We've got a lot to do.
Lilith: I'll be right there, Mommy. [to Frasier] A lot of help you were, you spineless bastard.


Quote from Norm

Sam: All that money, huh?
Norm: Yeah.
Sam: Sure will come in handy.
Norm: Yeah.
Sam: You could probably pay off all your outstanding debts, huh?
Norm: If I had any, Sam. Not me. Own my own house, own my own car, no plastic, do not believe in debt.
Sam: So I'm beginning to find out.

Quote from Rebecca

Man: Rebecca Howe?
Rebecca: Why yes. And who are you, stranger?
Man: You wouldn't remember me. I was a customer here many years ago. I had a couple of beers and couldn't pay for them and this bar was kind enough to run me a tab.
Rebecca: Two beers? And you did not pay for them?
Man: That's right, Miss. And I'll tell you why. Shortly after that, I committed a crime of passion and was sent to Devil's Island for life.
Rebecca: Oh, my! Go on, stranger.
Man: For years, rotting in those cells, I was kept alive by but one thought, the knowledge that I owed a debt to Cheers. So under the light of a tropic moon, I escaped and fashioned a crude raft with vines and coconut husks. The rest is unimportant. Suffice it to say, here's three dollars.
Rebecca: God bless you, stranger. Norm, did you hear that?
Norm: How could anyone help but hear that? Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Could you keep it down? I'm trying to watch some TV over here!
Sam: How could you even think that someone would be stupid enough to take a hint like that?
Woody: Miss Howe, here's that dollar I borrowed for lunch yesterday. You know you could have come right out and told me instead of having that guy come all the way here from Devil's Island.

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: Oh, my Lord. Is this my Lilith, so... So beautiful?
Lilith: "Beautiful"?
Frasier: And your hair. It's so gorgeous.
Lilith: My face is beautiful? My hair is gorgeous? What's next, I have a cute, little caboose?
Betty Sternin: Watch your mouth, Lilith.
Lilith: You know how much I hate this. I wouldn't have put this horrid paint on my face or worn this atrocious hairdo if my mother weren't emotionally blackmailing me into doing so.
Betty Sternin: "Blackmailing" you? How could you?!
Lilith: Shut up, Mother! It's bad enough I have to be your little girl, I don't have to be his, too. Now, for once in your life, keep your mouth shut and butt out! [Betty cries] I'm sorry, Mother.
Betty Sternin: Oh, no. It's so beautiful! I said the same thing to my mother on my wedding day. The tears, the unhappiness... I wouldn't have missed this for the world.

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Frasier, I apologize for yelling at you. Now be honest. Didn't you say that I was beautiful and gorgeous only to force a catharsis?
Frasier: Guilty as charged.
Lilith: Then help me get this junk off my face. ["Wedding March" begins]
Frasier: Oh, darling. We don't seem to have time for that right now. As much as I hate it, you'll have to keep it on.
Lilith: Oh.
Frasier: Now listen, let's go out there and say our "I do's" and then I'll haul your cute, little caboose up to the bedroom.
Lilith: Thank you, Frasier. ["Wedding March" continues]
Frasier: Oh, the hell with the "I do's. [kisses Lilith]

Quote from Cliff

Rebecca: Cliff, are you crazy? You've really been stuffing peanuts up your nose? That's dangerous. You could puncture your sinuses, you can even get brain damage.
Cliff: Oh, come on, I've been doing this kind of stuff for years. It's no big deal.
Norm: Yeah, Cliffie, but, uh, but never 11, pal.
Cliff: Uh, yeah, you're right, Norm. Uh, hey, uh, Rebecca, I'm gonna mosey into the poolroom and, uh, pry some of these out. Give me the corkscrew, will you? Thank you.

Quote from Sam

Debbie: Guess what. I just won this radio contest. I get a weekend trip for two to Atlantic City, all expenses paid.
Woody: Oh, congratulations. Who are you going to take?
Debbie: Uh, I don't know. I just moved to Boston and I don't know a soul.
Sam: [to the guys at the bar] Yeah, yeah, I heard, I heard. [picks up the phone] Oh, thanks very much. That's incredible. I can't believe that. Hey, guys, guess what. I just won a radio contest.
Debbie: You're kidding. I did, too.
Sam: Really? Yeah, you know, Atlantic City, free trip, the whole works.
Debbie: That's the same here.
Sam: Really?
Debbie: Isn't that incredible?
Sam: Well, it, it could be. Only problem is I don't know who to take, you know, two tickets and everything. I wonder what I should do.
Debbie: About what?
Sam: You have kind of a short attention span, don't you? Well, I like that, I like that.

Quote from Sam

Sam: We're talking about my two tickets and...
Debbie: Oh, yeah, you know, I've got the same problem.
Sam: Yeah, uh, well, you know what we ought to... I'm Sam, by the way.
Debbie: Oh. Sam, I'm Debbie.
Sam: Hi, Debbie, uh... Maybe we should, you know, instead of wasting four tickets, we should just use yours and go together.
Debbie: That's a super idea.
Sam: Yeah, all right. Hey, guys, I'm off to Atlantic City.
Cliff: Boy, those Japanese that say we've lost our ingenuity and the ability to get the job done ought to come to Cheers and have a gander at Sam Malone.

Quote from Sam

Norm: Sammy.
Sam: Yeah.
Norm: I'd like you to take this, uh, Cliff nostril money and put it on black 17 at the roulette table.
Sam: Black 17. You got it, pal.

Quote from Sam

Debbie: But, now, what are we going to do with your tickets?
Sam: Oh, I'll probably just, uh, give them away to some strangers.
Debbie: Oh, I'd do that, too, but I don't know any strangers.
Sam: [to the guys in the bar] This is going to be a great weekend.

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