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Quote from Rebecca in Smotherly Love

Man: Rebecca Howe?
Rebecca: Why yes. And who are you, stranger?
Man: You wouldn't remember me. I was a customer here many years ago. I had a couple of beers and couldn't pay for them and this bar was kind enough to run me a tab.
Rebecca: Two beers? And you did not pay for them?
Man: That's right, Miss. And I'll tell you why. Shortly after that, I committed a crime of passion and was sent to Devil's Island for life.
Rebecca: Oh, my! Go on, stranger.
Man: For years, rotting in those cells, I was kept alive by but one thought, the knowledge that I owed a debt to Cheers. So under the light of a tropic moon, I escaped and fashioned a crude raft with vines and coconut husks. The rest is unimportant. Suffice it to say, here's three dollars.
Rebecca: God bless you, stranger. Norm, did you hear that?
Norm: How could anyone help but hear that? Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. Could you keep it down? I'm trying to watch some TV over here!
Sam: How could you even think that someone would be stupid enough to take a hint like that?
Woody: Miss Howe, here's that dollar I borrowed for lunch yesterday. You know you could have come right out and told me instead of having that guy come all the way here from Devil's Island.

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