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Severe Crane Damage

‘Severe Crane Damage’

Season 8, Episode 18 -  Aired February 15, 1990

When Lilith goes on local TV to promote her new book, "Good Girls, Bad Boys", Frasier takes Sam along to the taping where they become examples of her theory.

Quote from Norm

Pete: I'm telling you, it's only a hundred times faster.
Norm: What are you talking about? It's got to be a thousand times faster.
Cliff: What's this, a discussion on the bullet train?
Norm: No, no. Fax machine versus the mailman.


Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Come on, you guys. Why do you have to pick on Cliff all the time? He's a nice man. And if he's worried about the side effects of some medication, I think we could be sensitive to his concerns.
Cliff: Well, it's very nice of you, Rebecca, but you don't have to come to my defense.
Rebecca: No, I want to do this. Why does Cliff always have to be the butt of our stupid jokes? You know, Cliff, I went through a very similar situation myself.
Cliff: Really?
Rebecca: Yes, I did. I was taking the exact same medication for a skin problem, and it cleared up beautifully. I just hope that puts your mind at ease.
Cliff: Well, it does that, and I thank you. So when did all this happen to you?
Rebecca: It was years ago. I was just a little boy at the time.

Quote from Lilith

Sam: Yeah, as a matter of fact, he was in here a couple hours ago. He ran out pretty upset, too.
Lilith: Oh, it's all my fault. My behavior this afternoon was unspeakable. I embarrassed myself, and even worse, I humiliated the man I love in front of thousands of people. I will never, ever forgive myself.
Woman: I saw you on TV today. You were terrific.
Lilith: Oh, thank you very much.
Woman: Sure.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Come on in, Viper. Meet the gang. Gang, this is Viper.
Ellen: My real name is Ellen. He just likes to call me Viper.
Frasier: She likes to call me Slash.
Ellen: That's right, Frasier.
Sam: So where did you two meet?
Frasier: Well, actually, truth be told, Viper kind of picked me up. [chuckles]
Ellen: Yeah. He was crossing against the light and slipped on an icy patch.
Frasier: Darn near split my pants.
Sam: Could I speak to you for a second? What are you, nuts? What the hell are you doing?
Frasier: Sam, I am simply expressing my inner gonzo self. Viper's the perfect kind of girl for me. She's wild, she's free. Hair smells of Pennzoil in the summer.

Quote from Woody

Woody: You know, Ms. Viper, I used to belong to a bikers' gang.
Ellen: Really? What kind of bike?
Woody: Schwinn. 3-speed, banana seat.
Ellen: Boy, Frasier, you were right when you said, "Next stop... Dweebville."
Carla: Yeah. This is state headquarters.

Quote from Frasier

Ellen: Come on. It's time for us to hit the road.
Frasier: Yeah, from now on, this is the kind of life I'm living. Out on the highway doing 180 miles an hour with bugs in our teeth. So, where we heading?
Ellen: Florida.
Frasier: Florida? That's far.
Ellen: Yeah. So what? You love riding the bike, barreling down the highway with the wind screaming in our ears.
Frasier: Well, kind of a confession to make, Viper. That wasn't the wind screaming in your ears. That was me.
Ellen: I should have guessed that. It was the first time I heard the wind scream the Lord's Prayer.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Viper, I'm sorry, you're gonna have to go to Florida on your own.
Ellen: So you're just blowing me off?
Frasier: Well, I'm sorry, Viper. But I'll always remember the good times we had on the bike, even after my kidneys fall back into place.
Lilith: Come, Frasier, let's go keep that appointment.
Frasier: You're rescheduling me? It must be love.

Quote from Sam

Brenda Balzak: Well, let's get to know the boys. First let's start with our bad boy. Sam, just so we can picture this, what could a woman expect from an evening with you?
Sam: Ha ha. I don't think I can say that on TV, Brenda.
Brenda Balzak: Why not?
Sam: [chuckles] Well, because basically... [whispers in Brenda's ear]
Brenda Balzak: Ooh. You're the one who should write a book.

Quote from Cliff

Norm: Hey, whoa, Cliffie. Slow down on those things, buddy. Are you sure they're safe?
Cliff: Yeah, of course they're safe. Prescription.
Norm: Yeah, but you... Can't be sure, you know. I mean, it says here, "may cause dullness of the senses."
Carla: We better check his reflexes. Where's that ball-peen hammer?
Norm: "May cause gynecomastia." What the hell's that?
Cliff: I don't know. Let me see it. Hey, doc. What's, uh... Gynecomastia?
Frasier: Oh, male breast enlargement.
Cliff: Doc, uh... I've been taking these pills here.
Frasier: Oh, well, Cliff, you'll be all right. You'd have to take five times the prescribed amount here to even begin to...Well, shall we say, blossom.
Cliff: Boy, that really steams me. I mean, you go to some quack who gives you a prescription for a simple skin condition, and you find out you might turn into a woman. God, I'm so angry, I could cry.
Woody: That time of the month.

Quote from Sam

Sam: I got to warn you, ladies. I'm a pretty bad boy. I'm going out with you at 10:00, and I'm going out with you at 12:00, and they both know.
Woman #1: Do something else bad.
Sam: No.
Woman #2: Why not?
Sam: 'Cause you want me to. [they applaud] Thank you, thank you. Besides, you know, starting tomorrow, I'm going to be a good boy.
Women: Aw!
Sam: I'm just lying. Boy, is that bad, or what?
Woman #3: Lie to me, lie to me.
Sam: All right, sure.

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