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Quote from Rebecca in Severe Crane Damage

Rebecca: Come on, you guys. Why do you have to pick on Cliff all the time? He's a nice man. And if he's worried about the side effects of some medication, I think we could be sensitive to his concerns.
Cliff: Well, it's very nice of you, Rebecca, but you don't have to come to my defense.
Rebecca: No, I want to do this. Why does Cliff always have to be the butt of our stupid jokes? You know, Cliff, I went through a very similar situation myself.
Cliff: Really?
Rebecca: Yes, I did. I was taking the exact same medication for a skin problem, and it cleared up beautifully. I just hope that puts your mind at ease.
Cliff: Well, it does that, and I thank you. So when did all this happen to you?
Rebecca: It was years ago. I was just a little boy at the time.

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