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Mr. F

‘Mr. F’

Season 3, Episode 5 -  Aired November 7, 2005

Gob tries to trick a group of Japanese investors by building a model village where the housing development should be. Meanwhile, Tobias mistakes a CIA agent for a talent agent offering him a part, while George Sr. plots another escape.

Quote from Gob

Bob Loblaw: Your father said that he was set up by a British syndicate. Maybe you should look for somebody English.
Michael: What?
Lucille: I think Michael's already plugged our leak.
Michael: What is that supposed to mean?
Gob: You've been spending a lot of time with Rita, and she's British-ish.
Buster: She's a spy!


Quote from Narrator

Gob: Dad, what are you doing here? Is this the package you sent me? Tiny town! This is for tiny town, isn't it! You did like my idea, didn't you, Dad?
Larry: I think he's in the can.
Narrator: Actually, George Sr. was in the kitchen trying to soothe himself with an ice cream sandwich. And that's when he discovered a way to possibly slip by the sensors.

Quote from Tobias

Narrator: And back at the gym, Tobias was finding out more about the project the agent had suggested.
Tobias: Come on, what are you gonna tell me? What do you got for me?
Frank: The Japanese investors you told us about are going over to your place today. I need you there when they are. We need you to be a mole.
Tobias: Oh, kind of a backer's audition. Okay, I get it, all right. Well, then, Frank, I shall be a bigger, hairier mole than the one on your inner left thigh. [chuckles]

Quote from Michael

Michael: [answers phone] Hello?
George Michael: Hey, Dad, they just dropped off the package you sent, but I don't think I'm old enough.
Michael: Of course you are. I told you I want you to have a little fun. You're not gonna break anything.
Narrator: But of course, Michael thought he was talking about the train set. Not the extremely dangerous jet pack the boy had just found at the front door.
George Michael: Well, what if I crash it?
Michael: That's half the fun.

Quote from Maeby

Narrator: And Maeby received a call about the latest lava cauldron accident.
Maeby: [on the phone] Already? It's only been an hour. I'm going to lose this job. Maybe I should let Mort take me out to dinner.
Michael: Maeby!
Maeby: Okay, I'm definitely gonna lose this job- I can explain.
Michael: Rita set me up, set us all up. This beautiful, funny, brilliant woman was a spy. Everybody was right, it was too good to be true! And I am turning her in. Let me tell you something else. I would not want to be the next woman who tries to fool me. [walks off]
Maeby: Well, that was a freebie.

Quote from George Michael

Michael: Okay, what's going on here? [Tobias removes his costume head] Okay, that's no surprise. [George Michael removes his helmet] George Michael?
George Michael: Dad, I'm sorry, I can't fly it very well. I think I really would rather have the Welch.
Michael: I didn't buy you that. I bought you the train set, which you guys just destroyed.
George Michael: Did you keep the receipt?

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