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Post-Nasal Dick

‘Post-Nasal Dick’

Season 1, Episode 2 - Aired January 16, 1996

When Mary agrees to let Dick accompany her to a wedding, the Solomons come down with a bug after Tommy kisses a girl at school.

Quote from Harry

Sally: I made chicken soup. It's supposed to make us feel better.
[After Sally places the large pan of soup on the floor, Harry sticks his feet in the pan]
Harry: Ahh!


Quote from Dick

Mary: It's time to leave.
Dick: Oh, wait. I haven't given you your gift yet. It's a toaster.
Mary: Where did you get this?
Dick: It was in the room full of prizes.

Quote from Dick

Woman: Mary, who is this interesting character you're with?
Mary: Dr. Richard Solomon from the university.
Woman: Well, I didn't think that you could top the personal trainer/playwright, but you always come through.
Mary: I'll have you know Dr. Solomon is a highly respected scholar and educator. He may be a bit eccentric, but he is a wonderfully exciting man. I'm sure I'm having a much better time than you are.
Dick: [clinks glass] I'm proposing a toast. I think I speak for everyone when I say that the most beautiful, radiant woman in the room is not the bride but Mary Albright! Yes, yes, yes! [applauds]
Mary: Hi.

Quote from Tommy

Dina: I'm sorry I gave you the flu.
Tommy: Don't worry about it, 'cause anytime you want to give me anything, just let me know, 'cause if I had to do it all over again, I'd do it all over again. So is there a chance we could do it all over again?
Dina: We could go to my house.
Tommy: Great! Yeah, yeah.
Sally: [wakes up] Who's that?
Tommy: Oh, this is Dina. She's the one that got us sick.
Sally: Destroy the incubator! [Dina runs away]
Tommy: Thank you so much.

Quote from Dick

Dick: Wait. Listen. It's 4/4 time with a half-beat hesitation. We have to dance.
Mary: No, we don't.
Dick: Yo quiero bailar contigo. Porque tus ojos son el sol de Mi Corazon.
Mary: What?
Dick: Allow me to translate using the universal language of dance!

Quote from Mary

Mary: You don't remember anything you said to me, do you?
Dick: Did I say anything I shouldn't have?
Mary: Actually, you said a lot of things.
Dick: Could you be a little more specific?
Mary: Let's just say you were very revealing.
Dick: I was delirious. I was rambling. What did I say?
Mary: You said "I love you." Isn't that silly? [Mary chuckles] [Dick chuckles] [both chuckle] [both laugh] [both are silent]

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