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The Manager and the Salesman

‘The Manager and the Salesman’

Season 6, Episode 16 - Aired February 11, 2010

As Jo Bennett visits the Scranton branch, she decides the office does not need two co-managers, leaving Michael and Jim to fight it out for the manager position.

Quote from Kelly

Kelly: Oh! You scared me!
Andy: I'm sorry, I thought you saw me.
Kelly: I didn't see you. And you were there all along. [takes papers out of copy machine] Well, I warmed it up for you so, should be good to go.
Andy: Cool, thanks.
Kelly: Bye, Andy. [kisses his cheek]


Quote from Jo

Jo: [cell phone rings] Oh, I gotta take this. Yep. Uh, finish walking my dogs for me. And don't ride 'em. Lotta people try to ride 'em.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Excuse me? Everyone? Please check your emails, I just sent you the following message: "Coworkers, you may have received a Valentine from me. Please understand this does not mean that I like you in any way."
Phyllis: You don't even like us as friends?
Andy: Phyllis, you guys are like my closest friends. I just mean I don't like-like you.
Oscar: What are we, five?
Andy: "Please don't read into this card. Yours in professionalism, Nard dog."

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Oh, it smells good in here.
Erin: Sure does! Okay, we have your space heater, your humidifier, your dehumidifier, your fan, your foot fan, and your food dehydrator.
Michael Scott: Erin, what about my keyboard? [Erin hits a button on an electronic keyboard, playing a beat] Aw, so good to be home. How about a little Bosa Nova?

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Well, well, well. Hmm. Boss for, what was it? Oh, four and a half hours? New record. Low. Previous record? Henry Rostin. Boss for nine years, four months. And he only left because he had family matters to attend to and he- [Jim dunks Dwight's tie in his coffee cup] What? Michael!

Quote from Ryan

Dwight K. Schrute: Listen, I know you have to say that, but we got a little problem here. There is an employee named Jim Halpert, and he is doing some terrible things, okay? He is molesting people via the internet. And we need to stop him.
Nick: I think that you should call the cops.
Dwight K. Schrute: No, the cops called us. So I'm gonna need you to give me the password to Jim Halpert's computer.
Nick: I don't know what to tell you, man. I'm sorry, I just can't give out his password like that.
Ryan: Nick. We could make things very, very difficult for you.
Nick: Are you... you threatening me?
Ryan: Threatening you? No.
[Ryan tries to crush an aluminium can. Dwight crushes an apple.]

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