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Local Ad

‘Local Ad’

Season 4, Episode 9 - Aired October 25, 2007

Michael is excited to take charge when Corporate sends a creative team to Scranton to film a local ad for Dunder Mifflin.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: We have three scenes to film, big scenes. We have a song to write, so let's get cracking. Kelly, I want you to do make-up. Oscar, I would like you to do costume design obviously. Phyllis, I'd like you to look around town and see if we have any celebrities in our local area.


Quote from Darryl

Michael Scott: Time out. Time out. I thought I was under the impression that this was going to be a rap.
Darryl: What's rap?
Michael Scott: Okay, Darryl, wow. You need to learn about your own culture. I'll make you a mix.
Darryl: Great.

Quote from Pam

Pam: Who's that?
Jim: Oh, it's just my avatar guy, whatever.
Pam: He looks a lot like you! How much time did you spend on that?
Jim: Not much. It's just for tracking Dwight. There's no-
Pam: Right. You're a sportswriter in Philadelphia? Nice build, too.
Jim: Yep.
Pam: You have a guitar slung on your back. I did not know you played guitar.
Jim: I- Why don't we go back to the animation?
Pam: No, no! I want to see more of Philly Jim. I want Philly Jim.

Quote from Meredith

Jim: Pam is staying late tonight to achieve her dreams. So I'm pretty proud of her. Unfortunately, she was my ride home.
Meredith: You comin'?
Jim: I...
Meredith: Piss or get off the pot.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Claude Van Damme- Hair for men- Poison gas- Nutrasweet It's gotta rhyme with "piece." Fancy feast! Break me off a piece of that fancy feast. It's a cat food. Nailed it.

Quote from Phyllis

Michael Scott: Yeah, everything! It's all good! Phyllis.
Phyllis: Dancing babies!
Michael Scott: Dancing babies. I love it!

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: We are making a commercial for Dunder Mifflin today. Our first ad ever. Corporate purchased some airtime in local markets to spread the word about Dunder Mifflin Infinity, and they are even sending up a professional ad company to help us make it later, so it's not too shabby.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: All right, so anybody else?
Pam: I'm taking a computer animation class, so I could try to do a logo.
Michael Scott: Look at that. Even the receptionist is getting in on the creativity. Very good.

Quote from Andy

Michael Scott: All right. Great. Well, this is what we have to work with. I would like you to meet Andrew Bernard. The 'nard dog. Who let the 'nard dog out?
Andy: Hoo, hoo, hoo-hoo.
Michael Scott: He gives the best back rubs in the office.
Andy: That's true. I give a mean back rub. I also do good aromatherapy. [blows raspberry] Not! You just got 'nard dogged!

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: That's what national came up with? That sucks! Wow.
Ad man: That's what we came up with.
Michael Scott: Well, we can do better than that.
Koh: Well, the main part of the ad has to stay the same, actually.
Ad man: Yeah, it's the last five seconds where we've some leeway.
Michael Scott: The waving?
Ad man: Well, no, no. You won't be waving. That was just what they did. You guys can be clapping, sitting. Standing outside, inside, whatever. I mean, this is where you really get to be creative.

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