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Goodbye, Toby

‘Goodbye, Toby’

Season 4, Episode 18 - Aired May 15, 2008

On Toby's last day, Michael meets the new H.R. representative, Holly Flax. Meanwhile, Phyllis is put in charge of organizing a big send-off for Toby, and Ryan's career takes a dive in New York.

Quote from Toby

Toby: So this is H.R. This is your desk.
Holly Flax: I love the view.
Toby: Yeah, it's great, isn't it?


Quote from Pam

Pam: Hey.
Jim: Hey. What?
Pam: Guess who just got into the Pratt school of design.
Jim: No way! What'd I say? I said that they'd love those sketches. Congrats.
Pam: Oh, thank you. I don't know why I doubted it. Because I'm so clearly awesome.
Jim: Yes. So when do you start?
Pam: I don't know. I didn't read it carefully. I just saw "congratulations," and skimmed the list. I saw my name, I came in here to tell you and get a snack.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: You know what we need to do?
Dwight K. Schrute: What?
Michael Scott: We need to sell her an elevator pass.
Dwight K. Schrute: But our elevator doesn't require a-
Michael Scott: Exactly. A little old-fashioned hazing.

Quote from Phyllis

Phyllis: Hi, are there any local companies that rent anti-gravity machines?
Woman: [on speaker phone] Antigravity machines?
Phyllis: That's right, yeah.
Woman: What do they do, exactly?
Phyllis: They make you feel lighter.
Woman: Antigravity... Um, antidepressant? I could put you through to someone on that.
Phyllis: Okay.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Have you been introduced to Kevin?
Holly: No. Which one's Kevin?
Dwight K. Schrute: He's here on a special work program. He's slow, you know, in his brain.
Holly: Oh, good for you guys.
Dwight K. Schrute: Yeah.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Hazing is a fun way to show a new employee that she is not welcome or liked.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Here she is. Holly. You know, if we hung Holly from the ceiling, we'd have to kiss underneath of her. [laughing] So I know. Sorry. Question. Are you real, or are you a Hollygram?
Holly: [chuckling] Nice. I've never heard that one before, actually. That's good.
Michael Scott: I bet. Are these guys boring your ears off? No, no, I What is your commute like? How long does it take to get in? You know, I should make you a mix. Do you have a CD player?
Holly: Um. Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
Michael Scott: Great.

Quote from Ryan

Jim: [on the phone] So I just got the fax. Closing the sale, and it's big. It is really big.
Ryan: Congratulations.
Jim: Thanks.
Ryan: Don't interrupt. Congratulations on doing your job. Did you enter the sale on the web site?
Jim: No, I didn't. I just logged it in.
Ryan: Okay, try to be a team player here, Jim. Log it in the web site.
Jim: Well, it already went through, so...
Ryan: Don't worry about that. Just re-log it. [hangs up]
Jim: Hello?

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Jim? I am downloading some n3p music-
Jim: That's not it.
Michael Scott: Yeah. For a CD mix tape for Holly.
Jim: Close.
Michael Scott: And I'm looking for perfect songs that work on two levels.
Jim: What are the two levels?
Michael Scott: The two levels being welcome to Scranton and I love you.
Jim: Okay, let's start with the "I love you" level.
Michael Scott: Hey, what's the group that was from Scranton that made it big? Was that U2?
Jim: Yes.

Quote from Jim

Jim: I was thinking fireworks for the party. What do you think?
Phyllis: Oh, boy, I appreciate your help, but I can't-
Jim: Oh, no. I just meant I wanted to pay to have fireworks at the party.
Phyllis: Why would you do that?
Jim: Because I'm gonna miss Toby. Yep, he's a heck of a guy, and I think we should send him off right. It doesn't matter. Here you go.
Phyllis: Really?
Jim: Well, we all want a good party, right?
[aside to camera:]
Jim: I'm going to propose tonight. Holy crap!

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