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Employee Transfer

‘Employee Transfer’

Season 5, Episode 6 - Aired October 30, 2008

Darryl drives Michael and Holly to New Hampshire, where she was transferred after Corporate found out about their relationship. Back in Scranton, Dwight tries to get under Andy's skin by applying to study at his alma mata, Cornell.

Quote from Michael Scott

Holly: If you leave on Friday by 5:00, you'll be rolling in at midnight at best. And then sleep in Saturday. That only leaves us less than 24 hours before you have to go back again.
Michael Scott: Okay, okay. I will talk to you on the Bluetooth the entire trip. So we're talking constantly all the way. I'll tell you everything that I see. Everything that I pass by. Things that I witness on the road. Maybe I'll see an accident one weekend.


Quote from Andy

Dwight K. Schrute: Andy, I've been meaning to ask you, which a cappella group should I join? The Harmoniacs or the Do-Re-Migos?
Andy: Assuming you had the voice to be in any of them, it's irrelevant. Because I called admissions, and it looks like I will be conducting your university interview.
Dwight K. Schrute: That's a conflict of interest.
Andy: Yeah. Big one. So should I not let you in now, or do you want to do the interview, and then I won't let you in?
Dwight K. Schrute: Interview.
Andy: Excellent. When the hourglass strikes 3:00, then in the room whence employees confer.
Dwight K. Schrute: What?
Andy: The conference room.
Dwight K. Schrute: Okay.

Quote from Pam

Pete: Yeah, but She doesn't think she's gonna be, like, a career musician, right?
Jim: Here we go again. What's your deal today?
Pete: Just saying, how many famous trumpeters can you name, besides Louis Armstrong?
Pam: Miles Davis.
Jim: One.
Pam: Chet something.
Jim: Half.
Pete: The point is that there are jobs-
Pam: Dizzy Gillespie.
Jim: Also good.

Quote from Phyllis

Kelly: Wow. You guys look amazing. Stanley, I thought you hated Halloween.
Phyllis: Ssh. He wears it so he can sleep at his desk.

Quote from Kevin

[Creed enters dressed as the Joker]
Creed: Let's put a smile on that face.
Kevin: Damn it, Creed! I've been up since 4:00!

Quote from Andy

Andy: Sweet'stume, dude. Who are you supposed to be?
Jim: [pointing to a name badge] Dave.
Andy: Cool.
Jim: You are ... [Andy hisses] ... a cat.
Andy: Ah. We were looking for kitten.

Quote from Pam

Pam: [as Charlie Chaplin] My costume's getting a lot of attention. So apparently no one dresses up for Halloween here. I wish I had known that before I used grease paint for my moustache. And I can't even take off my hat because then I'm Hitler.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: [as the Joker] Wanna see a magic trick? I'm gonna make a pencil disa- [elevator doors close] Disappear.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Okay, I think we are set. We have puzzles, string for cat's cradles. Burned this last night. A little road trip CD.
Holly: Oh.
Michael Scott: Puppets. Look at all this stuff. It's only 7 hours.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: When corporate found out that we were dating, they decided they were gonna transfer Holly back to her old branch in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Holly: Michael's taking a personal day to move me up.
Michael Scott: Road trip! Right? Breaker one-nine, copy. Copy that, breaker. Those Duke boys are at it again.
Darryl: Hey! Do not touch my radio.
Holly: Kidding.
Michael Scott: We're not doing anything.

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