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Season 7, Episode 10 - Aired December 2, 2010

After Michael reads an article about China at the dentist's office, he becomes worked up about the prospect of China replacing the U.S. as the world's dominant power. The office doesn't know how to react when know-it-all Oscar challenges one of Michael's facts and Michael is shown to be right. Meanwhile, Dwight works to make the Dunder-Mifflin building more profitable for him as a landlord, much to the annoyance of his co-workers.

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: Hey, Andy.
Andy: Hey, Darryl.
Darryl: You gotta stop texting me so much.
Andy: But I wanted you to know that Michael and I are wearing the same tie today. It's insane.
Darryl: You need to change your standard for what's worthy of a text. Ask yourself is this something Darryl needs to know. The answer's almost always no.
Andy: Got it. Then I will call you.
Darryl: No.
[aside to camera:]
Darryl: There was a time when the only people who texted you were people you wanted to text you. Girls. And they'd all say the same thing. "I'm coming over baby." And I would text back "BTB", bring that booty.


Quote from Stanley

Pam: Umm, Stanley. Maybe you could just unspool a little more each time you need to...
Stanley: Don't tell me how to do my business.

Quote from Jim

Dwight K. Schrute: Stanley, as a fellow Dunder Mifflin employee I feel for you. But, like you, I am completely powerless to the whims of the new building owner.
Jim: Which is you.
Dwight K. Schrute: "Which is you" is not a sentence.
Jim: I disagree with.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Everybody stop working. I want you all to imagine a world in which America is not the number one superpower, where forks are irrelevant, and where every man, woman and child is expected to learn how to play the cello. Now open your eyes.
Angela: You never told us to close them.
Michael Scott: Welcome to your future.
Phyllis: What do we do? How do we stop this?
Michael Scott: How do we stop it? With a big idea. That's what America is built on, big ideas. Blue jeans, the Grand Canyon. Whose got one, whose got a big idea?
Pam: An idea bigger than the Grand Canyon?
Michael Scott: Yes, indeed.

Quote from Kevin

Michael Scott: Yes, Kevin?
Kevin: An antacid that you only take once a week.
Michael Scott: Once a week antacid is the idea to beat. Anyone else? Nobody? Okay then we are... yes.
Kevin: Michael! An antacid pill that you take once every six weeks.
Stanley: Why not just go one for the year?
Michael Scott: I don't know.
Kevin: It's too big of a pill to swallow.
Michael Scott: Alright.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Did you know that in China there are fifty-six cities with over a million people? You know how many we have here? Nine.
Erin: [gasps]
Oscar: Actually, that's not true. I know the figure you're referring to, and it's a projection of fifteen years from now.
Kevin: Thank God.
Michael Scott: No, no. That is right now.
Oscar: Michael, China's agrarian. Urbanizing fast? You bet 'cha, but still agrarian.
Michael Scott: Most. In terms of land, not population.
Oscar: Come on Michael. You can...
Michael Scott: No, no you're wrong about this.
Oscar: Where are you getting this information?
Michael Scott: I got it from
Kevin: Uh oh. Getting nervous Oscar?

Quote from Michael Scott

Ryan: Got it. China has fifty six cities with a population of over one million. The US has... nine.
Meredith: Suck it, Oscar.
Jim: Well, on the plus side all this worrying about China has made you smarter than Oscar, Michael.
Oscar: Great. I was wrong. I'm wrong. Is everyone happy?
[aside to camera:]
Michael Scott: So I happen to know more than the smartest guy in the office. So what? [laughs] I don't care.

Quote from Stanley

Pam: Well, this building isn't far, and its much newer. There's a dry cleaner, nail place and a gym. Oh, and it's next-door to an Outback so it always smells like steak.
Stanley: Are you trying to kill me?

Quote from Jim

Kelly: Oscar, it must be killing you to know that Michael is smarter than you.
Oscar: He's... He's not smarter than me, he was just right about one thing.
Kelly: Yeah, but it was a really smart thing to be right about, actually.
Ryan: Actually, it was.
[aside to camera:]
Jim: Around here, Oscar is known as 'actually' because he will insert himself into just about any conversation to add facts or correct grammar. He really does fit that old stereotype of the smug gay Mexican.

Quote from Creed

Dwight K. Schrute: Parlay, my office, five minutes.
Pam: Parlay?
Creed: Pirate code, he wants to meet.
Pam: So everyone here knows pirate code?
Creed: I understand it, I can't speak it.

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