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Season 7, Episode 10 -  Aired December 2, 2010

After Michael reads an article about China at the dentist's office, he becomes worked up about the prospect of China replacing the U.S. as the world's dominant power. The office doesn't know how to react when know-it-all Oscar challenges one of Michael's facts and Michael is shown to be right. Meanwhile, Dwight works to make the Dunder-Mifflin building more profitable for him as a landlord, much to the annoyance of his co-workers.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Pam, I am not an unreasonable man. If you guys stay, I will stop watering down the soap.
Pam: You've been watering down the soap?
Dwight K. Schrute: Why do you even need soap? Are you that bad at going to the bathroom?
Pam: We want everything back the way it was.
Dwight K. Schrute: You don't wanna move. Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do in life. You'll probably just take it out on your kid. Jim will turn to the drink. The family will fall apart, and twenty five years from now, Cece will become world famous... for stripping.
Pam: That's a sad story. I have another one. We move, the other tenants follow, the bank takes the building, takes your farm, takes your car and beats the crap out of you. Penniless, you die, and my daughter Cece dances on your grave... fully clothed.


Quote from Michael Scott

Ryan: Where is Tibet?
Michael Scott: Pass.
Ryan: When was China founded?
Michael Scott: Pass.
Jim: Two for two, keep it up.
Ryan: Who is Mao?
Michael Scott: Lifeline.
Andy: Damn it, Michael. You are moments away from the smack down of your life. If you don't know something, steer the conversation back to something you do know.
Michael Scott: I could talk about boobs. I bet he knows nothing about boobs.
Jim: What do you know about boobs?

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Nate: Ten thousand seven hundred and six.
Dwight K. Schrute: Here it is, right here, pull over. Oh, my God. No way. Man, look at that.
Nate: Yeah.
Dwight K. Schrute: There's no building. This could only mean one thing.
Nate: The building's underground?
Dwight K. Schrute: She was lying. Oh, Pam, Pam...
Dwight & Nate: Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam.
Passerby: Yeah?
Nate: Pam. Pam?
Dwight K. Schrute: What?
Passerby: I'm Pam.
Dwight K. Schrute: Oh.
Nate: No you're not.
Dwight K. Schrute: I'm sorry. We have a colleague with the same name.
Passerby: Oh, that's fine.
Dwight K. Schrute: So, okay. You're not a liar too are you?
Passerby: I've been known to bend the truth.
Dwight K. Schrute: Damn it, Pam. Get out. Right now. Leave it, I mean it. Get the hell out of here. Go.
Passerby: Okay.
Dwight K. Schrute: I can't wait to do to Pam, what I just did... to Pam.

Quote from Kevin

Dwight K. Schrute: In your perfect would, what would make this building awesome? I'm putting together kind of a wish list.
Kevin: Well, I wish for a million wishes.
Dwight K. Schrute: Yeah. No, I'm not a genie. I'm just talking about a...
Kevin: Then see you later, building.
Dwight K. Schrute: You can't possibly be serious.
Kevin: I said see you later, building.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Michael, I have to tell you something it's from Rocky II.
Jim: Thank you.
Andy: [as Mickey Goldmill] This guy doesn't just wanna win. Y'know, he want's to bury you. He wants to humiliate you!
Michael Scott: Wait, wait, wait. How long is this going to take?
Andy: I'm like a quarter of the way through.
Michael Scott: Is it going to be worth it?
Andy: No.

Quote from Andy

Hank: Welcome, start your morning right with a burst of blueberry. Or try plain.
Andy: What's the occasion?
Hank: Dwight said this entry was a waste of space.
Andy: I would like a muffin du blueberry, por favor.
Hank: Eight dollars.
Andy: Eight dollars?

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Stanley: Are you just gonna sit there, Office Administrator, or are you going to do something?
Pam: Dwight, can we talk about these cutbacks?
Dwight K. Schrute: Pam, when I'm sitting at this desk, I'm a salesman. If you wanna talk to the new building owner, you should call Nate and schedule and appointment.
Pam: I'm not going to do that.
Dwight K. Schrute: Well then you're not going to talk to the new building owner. Which is a shame, because I hear he's a very reasonable guy.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Nate: [answering phone] Y'ello.
Pam: Hi Nate, Its Pam Halpert.
Nate: Oh, hey Pam.
Pam: Hey, I would just love to schedule a meeting today with Dwight.
Nate: Let me put you on hold for just one 'eensy sec.
Pam: Sure.
Dwight K. Schrute: [answering cell phone] Dwight Schrute. Mmm. Tell her I'm busy. I don't know, make something up.
Nate: Hey Pam, Dwight's being questioned by the police in connection with a string of dog-nappings that ha... [Pam hangs up]

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Pam: Dwight. Dwight. Can you please tell new building owner that he is screwing over all the people he works with, people he's worked with for years. His friends.
Dwight K. Schrute: You know what Pam? You're right. This isn't just a business. This is a home, and I would much rather see a smile from Kevin than save hundreds on plumbing and electricity. [Kevin smiles]

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: I say we bomb 'em. By 2020, they're gonna be the world's largest economy and they're getting a taste for protein. We'll all starve.
Phyllis: Yeah, Dwight's right we should drop a bomb.

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