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Boys and Girls

‘Boys and Girls’

Season 2, Episode 15 - Aired February 2, 2006

While Jan hosts a seminar for the women of Dunder Mifflin, Michael causes trouble with the guys in the warehouse.

Quote from Michael Scott

Darryl: Hey, Mike, look. How about we go upstairs, too? You know, learn how an office works.
Michael Scott: Oh, well.
Darryl: We can both switch places for the day.
Michael Scott: Okay. Yeah. You know what? I don't- You- Your- My job sucks compared to this. I don't think you'd like it up there.
Darryl: An experience-
Michael Scott: Guys! Want to start unloading the truck?


Quote from Meredith

Meredith: In five years, I'd like to be five years sober.
Jan: That is an excellent goal.
Meredith: Four and a half.

Quote from Jan

Jan: I'll be honest. One of the goals of these women's seminars is to feel out if there's any standouts, women who could be a valuable addition to our corporate life. [silence]

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: So, guys' gripe session. Here we are. Now, we definitely live in different worlds, but we have a lot in common. We even like the same girls, some of us. And that's gonna happen. You know, we're guys, so-
Madge: Hey, do you want me to go?
Michael Scott: No, why would I? You can-
Madge: I'll go.

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: That's dangerous, Mike. Come on, get down off the lift. Hey, you're gonna hurt yourself. Mike!
Michael Scott: Stand clear.
Darryl: Mike, get off of the lift. Please! Come on, now.
Michael Scott: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Darryl: Look, would you- Look!
Michael Scott: We'll get somebody to clean that up.
Darryl: We're the ones that gotta clean that up!
Lonny: Damn it, Michael!

Quote from Jan

Jan: And, Pam? What about you? What is your dream?
Pam: Well, I always dreamed of a house with a terrace upstairs. Plant flowers on it, stuff like that. Since I was a girl. Um. More seriously, though, a husband that I love. Roy. And I love to draw. And I did a little in college, and I'd still love to do something where I could work with art or graphic design in some way.
Phyllis: She's real good.
Pam: Thanks.
Jan: You know, the company is offering a design training program in New York.
Pam: Well, I have a job right now. So, I can't really take time off.
Jan: Well, it's only on weekends. And then a few weeks in New York, but I'm sure that I could ask Corporate to help you out.
Pam: Well, it's just that the weekends aren't good because-
Jan: There are always a million reasons not to do something.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Roy: I hate it when girls insist on taking them out to new restaurants every weekend night, and then they're like, "When are we gonna go on a date-date?"
Guy: I hate that, too! I hate that, too!
Kevin: That sucks so hard.
Guy: It totally sucks!
Dwight K. Schrute: Yeah, and then they make you drive them to church the next morning. Like, gas ain't free.

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: You know, this would not happen if we had a union.
Roy: That's what I'm talking about.
Michael Scott: No, no, no.
Darryl: Absolutely, that's what we need to do.
Guy: You're right.
Darryl: See, that's what I've been saying, man. We need to do this, finally.
Michael Scott: You know what, is that necessary? 'Cause you already, sort of, have a union of guys.
Darryl: It's more than necessary, Mike. We need this.

Quote from Darryl

Michael Scott: You know what? I think our problem is the chicks. The problem is the chicks.
Darryl: Union! Yeah!
Michael Scott: And you gotta blame them.
Darryl: Are you with us, Mike?
Michael Scott: Yeah.
Darryl: Welcome to the warehouse.
All: [chanting] Michael! Michael! Michael! Michael!

Quote from Jan

Michael Scott: Okay. Come on, Jan. After all we've been through-
Jan: Michael, Michael.
Michael Scott: We have a history. We have a history between us.
Jan: Michael. Don't say another word. Get yourself downstairs.
Michael Scott: I'm just saying that we have something. Okay. Whatever.

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