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Year of the Hecks

‘Year of the Hecks’

Season 3, Episode 12 - Aired January 4, 2012

As the Hecks step into 2012, Frankie decides that they should set eachother's New Year's resolutions this year.

Quote from Ashley

Ashley: I guess this is more of a time commitment than I expected. I watch Phineas and Ferb.
Sue: Every day?
Ashley: I never miss it.
Becky: I like Phineas and Ferb.
Sue: See that? You both like Phineas and Ferb. This is a team. We are gellin'.
Ashley: Wanna come over and watch?
Becky: Sure.
Ashley: Yeah, guess we're not gonna be on the team, either.


Quote from Ashley

Sue: I'm sorry to bother you at home, but this is a spirit emergency. The first wrestling meet of the season is about to start, and the Orson High Wrestlerettes need to bring it, but I can't bring it alone. I need my girls to bring it with me. What do you say?
Ashley: Phineas and Ferb is on.
Frankie: Okay, well, what if, just on the days we have meets, you record Phineas and Ferb and watch it when you get home?
Ashley: I really thought Axl would be around.
Sue: Oh. Well... We can hold practices at my house, and I know Axl's schedule really well, so we'll definitely be bumping into him a lot.
Ashley: I'll grab my cape.
Sue: Yeah!

Quote from Frankie

Mike: You forgot Brick. You took our son to work and left him there.
Frankie: Look, I'm not used to driving home with anybody, okay? I did what I always do. I punched out, I stuffed two rolls of toilet paper in my purse, and I got out of there. [police siren wails] Oh, crap. Crap, crap, crap.
Mike: Damn it. I told you to let me drive.
Frankie: I told you to watch out for cops.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Brick?!
Brick: Mom! You're back!
Frankie: Of course I'm back. You didn't think I wouldn't come back for you, did you?
Brick: Well, I didn't think you would leave me in the first place, so clearly, I'm not that good of a judge.
Frankie: Oh. I'm so, so sorry. I will make this up to you.
Axl: If she promises you a giant cookie, get it up front.
Mike: Here, Brick. Take my coat.
Brick: I'm okay.
Frankie: Brick, why didn't you run next door to the ammo barn and call me?
Brick: Well, at first, I thought since we were having such a good day, that you snuck out to buy me a present. And then after a couple hours, I realized that you probably just flaked and forgot about me.
Frankie: See? He knows me so well now.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So like I was saying, despite all the grumbling, our New Year's resolutions this year, had actually worked and it was time to reward ourselves.
Frankie: Oh, where'd you get that ?
Mike: At the Chinese bar back behind the bathroom.
Frankie: Oh, I missed it. I'm gonna get that next but right now I have 3 bowls of clam chowder to get through.
Brick: You know, that's the sound of a good restaurant, when they do a lot of things well.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Hey. Wait. Come on. You have to stay. The wrestlers are counting on us. [Ashley and Becky walk away] It's okay. We can make it work.
Ruth: I was waiting for the right time to tell you. I can't be on the team. My religion prevents me from wearing short skirts.
Sue: And you think this is the right time?

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] The new year celebrating a fresh start for people all over the world.
Frankie & Sue: Five... Four... Three... Two.. One...
Axl: This year already sucks.
Frankie & Sue: Happy new year!
Frankie: Mike? Mike.
Mike: [wakes up] Hey, we made it this year.
Frankie: Well, don't flatter yourself. You've been snoring since London.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Hey, I think Axl's on to something.
Brick: Oh, brother.
Frankie: We all know we never stick to our own resolutions, but what about if we picked one for each other?
Mike: Oh, this is turning into a whole thing.
Frankie: No, this is good. It's good. We'll secretly pull names out of a hat, and then you write a resolution for whoever you got.
Axl: So... what do we get if we do it?
Frankie: If we do this, even just for one week, Dad and I... Will take everyone to king Henry's all-you-can-eat smorgasbord at the mall.

Quote from Mike

Mike: I'm out. I'm not smiling anymore. I tried it. It was weird.
Sue: Dad, you had the easiest one. I am starting a whole new club at school, Axl is cleaning his room, Mom is hanging out with Brick.
Frankie: Damn it. Brick!
Brick: [o.s.] What now?!
Sue: Come on, Dad. [smiles] Please?
Mike: Show-off.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Ugh! This is just so hard. I've never been on the other side before. It's like, Mary has a super loud clap, Becky has the "it" factor, Ruth can sort of do a cartwheel, and weird Ashley has a car for away meets. I just had no idea the talent pool would be so deep. What am I gonna do?
[cut to:]
Sue: Congratulations. Everybody made it. Wait. Where's Mary?
Becky: Oh, she didn't want to do it.
Sue: What? Why? [Becky shrugs] Okay. Well, you know what? That's okay. It was only supposed to be four of us anyway. Now we have a lot to do. I've written up some cheers, so let's get started.

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