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While You Were Sleeping

‘While You Were Sleeping’

Season 6, Episode 22 - Aired April 29, 2015

Frankie and Mike try to have a romantic date night by renting a movie, but they just can't stay awake to finish the film. Axl and Brick team up to invent a new hot product, Heck Brothers Old-Timey Barbecue Sauce. Meanwhile, Sue is all set to skip her senior prom after breaking up with Darrin, until she receives a surprise invitation from a guy at the mall.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Oh, Sue, there's a package on the table for you.
Sue: Ooh, maybe it's the "Keep calm and eat ice cream" shirt I ordered. They finally started making them in adult sizes!


Quote from Sue

Frankie: Look, you can still go, you know? It's your senior prom. You have to go.
Sue: No, it's a date thing, and, ugh, there's no one I want to go with.
Frankie: What about Brad?
Sue: No, he got asked by Tammy, the captain of the field hockey team. They're both going in tuxes. [chuckles] They're so funny. No. It's over. Prom doesn't mean anything anymore. The year of Sue is turning into the year of suck. [sobs]

Quote from Axl

Axl: I'm telling ya, I'm thinking too small. I am an idea guy, and I've been ignoring my greatest resource. [pops lips] I mean, don't get me wrong, Boss Co. is a groundbreaking company and all, but it's been holding me back. I mean, Darrin's got his air-conditioning thing, and Sean's pre-med now, but where's that gonna get him?

Quote from Brick

Brick: Uh, can you hand me those soy-sauce packets?
Axl: What are you doing?
Brick: Well, Mom said I couldn't leave the kitchen till I finished eating my dinner. So I'm coming up with a sauce that'll make her cooking edible.
Axl: Mm. [sniffs] Hey. That's pretty good. But the real test, though, huh? Put it on Mom's food. [laughs] Holy crap, you can't even taste the food. You know what? [inhales deeply] This could be something. This is my next big idea.
Brick: It's my big idea.
Axl: It's our big idea. "Heck Brothers Old-timey Cover-up Sauce."
Brick: Heck Brothers, yeah. I like it. But I'm not too sure about the name "cover-up sauce." From my brief experience working for the pretzel people, I can tell you that might not be the best idea.

Quote from Sue

Logan: Wow, that's rough. So, uh... so you're not going to your prom? Well, it's your senior year. You got to go.
Sue: Eh, I'll probably just work here, close up, go home, and watch a movie with my parents.
Logan: Well, uh, maybe you could go with someone you already know.
Sue: No, all my friends are already going with dates already.
Logan: What about a friend from another school?
Sue: [laughs] When do I have time to meet someone from another school?
Logan: Someone you sell potatoes to?
Sue: Earl the security guard?
Logan: Okay, somebody you already know from another school who you sell potatoes to.
Sue: You? Really? Are you serious? You'd really go to my... my prom with me?
Logan: Hey, my first prom was a disaster. I might as well give it another shot.
Sue: O-okay, well, then, yes. [laughs] Yes, I'll go with you.
Logan: Okay.
Sue: [laughs] We're going to prom!

Quote from Axl

Axl: You, sir! You look like a man who appreciates the finer things in life. Would you care to sample our Heck Brothers old-timey barbecue sauce?
Man: Mm! Not bad. How much?
Axl: $30. [the man walks away] $3! No! I meant $3! $3. Ugh.

Quote from Frankie

Sue: [laughs] Mom, guess what. Everyone who's going to prom with an adorable Abercrombie greeter, raise your hand! [raises hand] That would be me!
Frankie: Oh, that's great. Oh, who is he?
Sue: [sighs] It's my friend, Logan. He goes to catholic school. He's polite. He holds doors. He throws away his scraps and returns his tray to the top of the garbage can. Can you believe he's nice enough to take me?
Frankie: Oh, I'm so happy you have a date. Oh, seriously, enjoy this time in your life. In the blink of an eye, you're waking up at 4:00 A.M. in a pool of drool on your husband's flannel shirt. Seriously, enjoy it.

Quote from Brick

Axl: It's official... we are a success. We sold all of our barbecue sauce.
Brick: Got that right.
Axl: That's our slogan. It's old-timey.
Brick: We had a good rat one, too, but it's on the back burner for now.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Oh, good. You're home. Okay, so, I made us a chart of what we can piece together from the movie so we don't have to start from the beginning.
Mike: Or we can just not watch the movie at all.
Frankie: Mike, it's date night.
Mike: I think we're working too hard for this. Didn't we get married so we didn't have to work this hard? We know what the goal of date night is. Let's just do that and go to sleep happy.
Frankie: Okay, Mike, that is so unromantic. Just study the damn chart, and we'll get there when we get there.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Listen, you guys heading out right now, 'cause me and Brick need some things from the store.
Brick: 10 bottles of ketchup, 3 packs of Pixy Stix, a jar of peanut butter, preferably creamy.
Frankie: Okay, I hate to break it to you, Heck Brothers, but you can buy your own supplies.
Axl: Oh, my God. You are so not supportive of our endeavors. This is a rock-solid business model. Everything we're raking in is pure profit.
Mike: Pure profit 'cause you're using our ingredients and our jars. Once you two clowns start paying for your own supplies, you'll see how difficult it is to actually run a business.
Axl: Okay, fine, we won't use the jars. We'll use, uh, Ziploc bags. We'll be a green company. People can refill them. Got any more no's you want us to turn into opportunities?

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