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Vacation Days

‘Vacation Days’

Season 5, Episode 15 - Aired March 5, 2014

Mike tries to relax at home after being forced to take his paid vacation days, but Brick is determined to cash in all the coupons he's given his father as gifts. Frankie is furious when she finds out Axl came home from college early and has been staying at the Donahues. Meanwhile, Sue is upset when she reads a negative review of her service at Spudsy Malone's.

Quote from Sue

Sue: [gasps] Wait. Does Yelp have reviews for all kinds of stuff? Would they have a review for, like... Spudsy's?
Brad: Probs. Let's check it out. "Yummy potatoes. Best potato place in town. Totally delish."
Sue: Aah! [they high-five]
Brick: "I was there Tuesday night, and the girl who served me was super-slow. By the time I got my potato, it was cold. #EpicPotatoFail."
Sue: Wait. I was working Tuesday night. [nervous chuckle]
Brad: Well, I'm sure it wasn't you.
Sue: No, it had to be. I was the only counter girl. Brittany had the stomach flu, so they made her go in the back and whip the sour cream.
Brad: "F" to the "Y" to the "I", this is so not a big deal.
Sue: Uh, it is a huge deal, Brad. MallRat37 thought my service was slow, and now it's all over the internet. Everyone in the world is gonna read this! You know what? Maybe this was just the wake-up call I needed. I used to study my Spudsy manual every night before bed, and now I just write in my diary or wish on stars if it's a clear night and go straight to sleep. [breathes deeply] Starting now, I am gonna rededicate myself to my work.


Quote from Mike

Frankie: Oh. Look at you. Still in your sweats, playing cards, drinking beer. [gasps] Is that a chilled mug?
Mike: Yep. I got to tell you, you were right about this whole vacation thing.
Frankie: See? I knew this would be good for you. This is why you have to listen to me. You know, sometimes-
Mike: Frankie, I said you were right.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [sighs] You know, I must be going through some serious Axl withdrawal. That or he has a twin, 'cause I thought I saw him again, on the drive home.
Mike: Really? I don't even see the kids when they're here.
Frankie: Yeah, it's pretty bad, Mike. Last night, I went in his room and smelled his pillow.
Mike: That doesn't sound like a great idea.
Frankie: Mm. It was pretty rank.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Is that the mail?
Mike: Yeah. Nothing but bills. And we accidentally got some of the Donahues' mail.
Frankie: You've been here all day. Why didn't you take it over there?
Mike: My wife told me to relax.

Quote from Brick

Brick: ...six... No problem. What's your pleasure? We've got, uh... Ooh, breakfast in bed, a scalp massage... [Mike sighs] wash, mowing the lawn, bring you your pipe and slippers. Ooh! Here's one for two minutes of tickle time. [hole punches the coupon]
Mike: Hmm. [Brick tickles Mike] Uh... Not that this isn't a lot fun buddy, but, uh, I was kind of in the middle of a card game.
Brick: Can I play?
Mike: Well, it's called solitaire, so...
Brick: Oh. Hold the phone. You are in luck. I happen to have a coupon for an afternoon of go fish with yours truly.
Mike: Eh.
Brick: All right, uh, do you have any 9s? Any 9s?

Quote from Brick

Mike: Okay. That's good. Thanks for that.
Brick: But the scalp-massage coupon is for 30 minutes.
Mike: Uh, uh... maybe we could take the rest on credit.
Brick: I'd really like to knock this out today.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Okay, now MallRat37 is saying my service was too fast. "The girl who served me seemed rushed. She put my potato together as if she had somewhere more important to be. On top of that, she was completely impersonal. She barely even made eye contact."
Brick: If you don't mind, Sue, Dad's trying to watch a game.
Sue: I guess I just got to try harder. I mean, after all, the customer is always right. Even if they completely contradict themselves.

Quote from Axl

[Frankie answers the phone:]
Female Voice: You have a collect call from...
Axl: Axl.
Female Voice: Would you like to accept the charges?
Frankie: Yes. Hello?
Axl: Uh... Mommy?

Quote from Sue

Brad: [on the phone] Sue, whatever you do, do not look at Yelp.
Sue: What? Why?
Brad: Just trust me. I'm being a really good friend right now.
Sue: Thanks, Brad. I won't.
Sue: [high-pitched] N-o-o-o-o-o!

Quote from Frankie

Axl: It's locked.
Frankie: I know. I haven't decided if I'm gonna let you in yet.
Axl: [chuckles] Really? You're gonna drive all the way to Chattanooga and not let me in the car?
Frankie: You drove all the way to Orson and didn't come to our house.
Axl: Oh, my God. You're still mad about that?
Frankie: Yes, but thanks to you, that's been pushed far down the list of the moronic things you've done. Get in. [locks click]
Axl: Maybe I don't want to get in. You know, you only focus on the bad things I do. I'm smart in a lot of ways.
You just never see it.
Frankie: Whatever. Have fun in Tennessee. [engine turns over]
Axl: I'm in Tennessee?

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