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The Smile

‘The Smile’

Season 4, Episode 14 - Aired February 6, 2013

Frankie and Mike freak out as Axl waits to find out if he's been accepted to East Indiana State. Sue attempts to win over her dour science teacher, Mr. Glover (Roger Rees), with the hypothesis that smiling is contagious. Meanwhile, Brick begs his parents for an iPad.

Quote from Brick

Brick: You know, it wouldn't just be for me. The whole family could use it.
Frankie: [sighs] Are we still talking about that iPad? You know, it was funny the first 70 times. Now it's starting to get old.


Quote from Brick

Brick: If I get lost on my way to school and need directions... there's an app for that.
Mike: Why are we still talking about this? Go away.
Brick: But, dad, you're not letting me prove my-
Mike: Go. [blows hair dryer at Brick]

Quote from Mike

Frankie: [v.o.] So while Sue was trying to prove smiling is contagious, Mike and I were proving being nervous definitely was.
Mike: Anything yet?
Frankie: Still waiting. I don't get it. We should have heard something by now. You know that lady in my class?
Her sister got accepted to East Indiana today.
Mike: Crap. Well, let's just agree, whatever happens, he is not living in our house next year.

Quote from Frankie

Mailman: Afternoon, folks. [chuckles]
Frankie: Oh, come on. Mama needs a fat envelope.
Mailman: Beautiful day today, huh?
Frankie: Yeah, whatever. You got anything else in there for us?
Mailman: Nope. That's it.
Frankie: Uh, you know what? How about I just take a little look myself?
Mailman: Oh, ma'am, that's a federal offense.
Frankie: Hey, look, there's a mean dog.
Mailman: Ma'am, I have got to get back on my route. There are other citizens who are counting on me.
Frankie: Oh, what are you, Batman? Let me see in the damn bag! [runs after the mail van] This is my son's future we're talking about! I know it's in there! I know you have it! We never got the Andersons' Christmas card!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Two weeks later, and still nothing new with the mail. Well, not exactly nothing.
Frankie: I can't believe they switched our mailman. What are they worried about me for? They're the ones that go postal.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: You can dust all you want, Brick. You're not getting an iPad.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Wouldn't Red Lobster be a great place for the family to talk about their day? [singsongy] You know, in case somebody has some news.
Brick: What do you think? Graduation gift?
Frankie: I don't know, Brick. We'll see.
Brick: We'll see for graduation?
Frankie: Sure.
Axl: Don't believe her, Brick. "We'll see" is mom for "we're never going out to eat 'cause for some reason, we hate our kids and delicious, reasonably priced seafood."
Brick: Is that true, Mom?
Frankie: Stop bugging me, both of you. We are not talking about the iPad, and we are not going to Red Lobster.
[cut to the family at Red Lobster:]
Frankie: [v.o.] Look, I never claimed to be strong.

Quote from Mike

Brick: So since we have established that you agree that the iPad would be great for graduation-
Mike: What the hell is going on? We're out on a Wednesday night. We're talking about iPads. Who are we? New rule: no one asks for anything unless we're both in the room.
Brick: Okay, so can I have an iPad?
Frankie & Mike: No.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: Okay, everybody, teeth and bed.
Axl: See you guys in the morning. Oh, and by the way, got accepted to East Indiana State.
Frankie: What?
Mike: Is that true?
Axl: Mm-hmm.
Frankie: Seriously?
Mike: You got in? You really got in?
Frankie: Are you messing with me? 'Cause you do not wanna mess with me. Ask our former mailman.
Mike: Don't mess with your mother.
Axl: Okay, no, don't hurt me. I got in. I totally got in. [all cheer]

Quote from Axl

Axl: Gentlemen, we're going to climb the Orson water tower and use paint to change the word "Orson" to-- preemptive high five "Snore-son"!
Sean: Dude! That's epic.
Axl: Yeah. And then right beneath "snore-son," we're gonna write "2013-- seniors rule." And do you know why?
Sean & Darrin: Seniors rule!

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