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The Carpool

‘The Carpool’

Season 5, Episode 12 - Aired January 22, 2014

After Principal Barker (Rachel Dratch) asks the parents to form carpools when the bus drivers go on strike, Frankie gets a reputation as an unreliable driver. Axl studies hard in astronomy - a class he's not even taking - in order to tutor a hot student. Meanwhile, Mike receives two tickets to an IU basketball game and searches in vain for someone to go with him, blind to the fact Sue wants to go with him.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: All those years we spent trying to get Axl to study, and all it took was a hot girl. It seems so obvious now.
Axl: And so the Cat's Eye nebula is in the constellation Draco, the dragon. Easily remembered by the fact that we're the East Indiana Dragons... You know, the team that I play football on.
Zoe: Wow, Axl. That's so smart. We're the Dragons, and Draco's a dragon.
Axl: Yeah.
Aaron: What do you know? Gym Shorts got one. Also, Draco's 3,300 light-years away from Earth. You know that's gonna be on the test.
Axl: Do we, Aaron? Do we really know what's gonna be on a test? 'Cause I feel it's best to just study hard and be prepared for any eventuality.
Zoe: Oh, I'm never gonna get all of this. [stretches] Oh! I am so tight from sitting. Anyway, what did people get for number six in the study guide?
Axl: Um, that would be the, um... Ring nebula, which is formed by ionized gas...
Aaron: I got this, Gym Shorts. The ionized gas is expelled into the surrounding interstellar medium, which then causes a large-
Axl: I think what Aaron's trying- [spills his slushie on Aaron's pants]
Aaron: Aah! Dude!
Axl: I am so sorry. Do you have quarters for laundry? 'Cause you're gonna want to wash those pants. Seriously, that stain is in a really weird place. Oh, man. Good guy. So, um, Halley's comet...


Quote from Mike

Frankie: What about Rusty?
Mike: I'm not taking my brother. He'll sneak in beers and try to sell them to minors.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Rusty's out, too. He's not allowed on the IU campus anymore. Apparently, he did do that beer thing.
Sue: I'll go.
Frankie: Why don't you just take my dad?
Mike: Why don't I just take poison?

Quote from Mike

Mike: I can't believe it. Even your dad has plans. He's trying to figure out which pill makes him dizzy.
Sue: I'll go!
Frankie: What about that guy at the gas station? You guys chat.
Mike: That's a woman. And we're not close. I guess I'm down to asking Brick. Who am I kidding? He's not gonna want to go.
Sue: I'll go!
Mike: Go where?
Sue: To the game.
Frankie: There you go. Take Sue. Where's my stupid coat?
Mike: Uh, are you sure you want to go? These are floor seats, Sue, against Michigan. You got to really watch the game.
Sue: I will. I promise!
Mike: Okay, fine. But from now on, speak up. I was this close to going with Tag.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: I know you didn't take Sue. We microwaved pancakes and read People magazine.
Mike: Oh, good.
Frankie: No, it's not good, Mike. She really wanted to go to the game with you.
Mike: What? No, she didn't. She just volunteered 'cause I didn't have anybody to go with.
Frankie: Are you that clueless? It wasn't about the game for her. It was a special night with her dad, eating cotton candy, getting a cute t-shirt, talking...
Mike: Yeah, none of those things should happen at a basketball game. Look, I saved her from a miserable night. She would have been bored.
Frankie: Why? 'Cause she's a girl?
Mike: Come on, Frankie. For the most part, girls are not gonna be as into a game as a guy would be.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Hey, I still do stuff with Axl. When is the last time you did anything like that with Sue?
Mike: Hey, I spend time with Sue. I watched her play volleyball, Frankie. Got her checked out at the emergency room.
Frankie: I'm just saying, you don't know where she works. You have no idea what J-P-la is.
Mike: Nobody does. Look, I'm a good dad. I'm not gonna stand here and let you make me feel bad. Stupid tickets. I should have taken Dave.
Frankie: Leaving doesn't make it right.
Mike: Makes you quieter.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] I did worry I was a little harsh with Mike. Unfortunately, I was up all night worrying about it, which meant...
Frankie: [honks horn] Oh, come on! Let's go!
Dotty: We have a quiz first period, you know. It's really important. It's 12% of our grade.
Frankie: "12% of our grade." Nerd. Listen, we're gonna make it. We got plenty of time.
Brick: [to Dotty] Just regular bread today? No baguette? Tell your mom I'm not a fan.
Ella: We left too late. My mom and dad were talking about your mom always being late, and my dad said your mom's a real case.
Brick: Mmm.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: [v.o.] Mike didn't want to hear it at the time, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized maybe he didn't always give Sue the attention he should have.
Mike: Heading out to paint the garage.
Young Sue: I'll go!
Mike: No. I got to get this done fast.
Mike: Going to the hardware store. Come on, Axl.
Sue: I'll go! [door closes]
Mike: I'm gonna go get milk.
Sue: I'll go!
Mike: [tosses Sue the keys] Oh, great. No sense both of us going.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Hey. Home from school, huh?
Sue: Yep.
Mike: No, uh, J-P-la tonight?
Sue: Nope.
Mike: Yeah. Uh-huh. You have to work today at the potato place on the third floor of the mall?
Sue: No. I'm picking up a double shift on Saturday. Dad, why are you talking to me?
Mike: No reason.

Quote from Axl

Zoe: Okay, I, like, always get this wrong. Which planet has the hottest surface temperature?
Axl: What? [chuckles] Sorry. It's hard to concentrate 'cause I'm sitting next to a hot planet right now. [kisses Zoe]
Zoe: Wow. You're good at that. But there is a test tomorrow, and we really should stay focused.
Axl: Right. [clears throat] Right. Uh... pbht! Venus is the hottest, due to the greenhouse effect.
Zoe: Great. Uh, now, what planet's gravitational pull is so strong, it easily attracts asteroids and comets into its atmosphere?
Axl: That'd be Jupiter. But your gravitational pull is much stronger. [kisses Zoe]

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