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Quote from Axl in The Carpool

Zoe: Okay, I, like, always get this wrong. Which planet has the hottest surface temperature?
Axl: What? [chuckles] Sorry. It's hard to concentrate 'cause I'm sitting next to a hot planet right now. [kisses Zoe]
Zoe: Wow. You're good at that. But there is a test tomorrow, and we really should stay focused.
Axl: Right. [clears throat] Right. Uh... pbht! Venus is the hottest, due to the greenhouse effect.
Zoe: Great. Uh, now, what planet's gravitational pull is so strong, it easily attracts asteroids and comets into its atmosphere?
Axl: That'd be Jupiter. But your gravitational pull is much stronger. [kisses Zoe]

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