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Thanksgiving IV

‘Thanksgiving IV’

Season 4, Episode 8 -  Aired November 14, 2012

As Frankie tries to tidy up the house in honor of two Marines who are attending Thanksgiving dinner, her parents Pat (Marsha Mason) and Tag (Jerry Van Dyke) won't stop bickering with eachother. Meanwhile, Axl gets good news about his injury.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: What do you think?
Mike: Well, that depends. Is there gonna be a president giving a speech off the back of a train?


Quote from Mike

Frankie: The Marines are gonna be here any minute. Axl, put on some clothes and comb your hair!
Axl: To what end, mom? To what end?
Frankie: [sighs] Mike, I'm gonna be busy with the Marines, so you're in charge of corralling the bickermans at dinner.
Mike: How come you get the Marines, and I get your parents?
Frankie: Because you didn't want the Marines here.
Mike: In my defense, I didn't want your parents here, either.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Wow. I love your uniforms; the badges and the stripes. I don't know what they mean, but you must be very brave. [shouts out the door] Hey, Nancy! Just having dinner with America's heroes two of 'em! Happy Thanksgiving!

Quote from Brick

Brick: So the screenplay was turned down by every studio in Hollywood, but Segal's agent, Howard Minsky of the William Morris Agency-
Frankie: This is my son Brick. [book thuds]

Quote from Mike

Frankie: That's my other son Axl. He's just waiting for the iron to heat up so he can press his slacks.
Axl: What are slacks?
Frankie: [teeth clenched] Get dressed.
Sue: Mom, does this say "chicken" to you?
Frankie: This is my daughter Sue. And oh, this is my great Aunt Edie, and my parents Pat and Tag, and my husband Mike.
Corporal Martinez: You have a very beautiful home, sir.
Mike: Well, you've seen too many bombed-out cities, but thanks.

Quote from Tag

Tag: Look at this. All poison. I can't eat any of it.
Pat: Eat it, don't eat it. Nobody cares.
Mike: Hey, you two lovebirds don't mind if I squeeze in here, do you?

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Well, shall we get started? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Just wanted to get that out there. You know, where my allegiance lies. So before we eat, um, why don't we go around the table and everybody say what they're thankful for? It's kind of our Thanksgiving tradition.
Brick: It is?
Sue: Since when?
Frankie: [clears throat] I'll start. Well, I'm thankful for the freedom that you two provide with your guns and stuff. And I have to say, I, for one, have never felt so safe in my own home.

Quote from Sue

Sue: I'd like to go in a different direction this year and say what I am not thankful for. I am not thankful for Roosevelt High, specifically the football players at Roosevelt High, who cheat at dance fights and steal people's chicken heads.

Quote from Sue

Mike: Um, hey, uh, so, uh, I bet being a Marine keeps you busy.
Corporal Martinez: Actually, we just did a recon mission if Afghanistan to recover a downed drone.
Sue: Wait a minute. Say there was some sort of top-secret object hidden somewhere in Roosevelt High School. Would you two be able to recover it?
Frankie: Sue, the Marines aren't helping you find your chicken head. It's their day off.

Quote from Sue

Mike: Speaking of gluten, you guys like football? 'cause, uh, my son here has got a big game tomorrow.
Axl: I don't even wanna talk about the game. Why do we have to talk about the game?
Sue: I think I have a pretty good idea of where it is. If we go in at nightfall, I think that would be best. But I don't have to go if you think I'm just gonna get in the way. I could be sitting in a nearby van, talking you through it over headphones.

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