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Thanksgiving II

‘Thanksgiving II’

Season 2, Episode 9 - Aired November 24, 2010

Frankie wants the Heck men to share their feelings on Thanksgiving after Big Mike (John Cullum) gets out of the hospital with a broken hip and Rusty (Norm Macdonald) is living in a tent.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Don't worry, mom. I can still peel the apples with my good hand. See? [cuts chin with knife] It's okay. I'm good. [rubs pastry on the wound] See?


Quote from Mike

Mike: Look, they said they're fine. They're fine. Not everybody's like your family, with the feelings and the talking and the needs.
Frankie: Oh, I'm very aware of how your family is nothing like my family.
Mike: Well, at least my family's here. Uh-oh.
Frankie: [emotional] My... family... loves me!

Quote from Axl

Bob: Happy turkey day!
Frankie: [on the phone] Hey, Mom, Bob just arrived with his date, Lisa. Oh, yeah I-I'm gonna give you to Axl. Okay. Just talk to her. Come on.
Axl: [takes the phone] Happy Thanksgiving, Grandma. Oh, wait. Hey. Sue's trying to get the phone away from me. Come on, Sue. Wait your turn. You're so rude. God! [hands phone to Sue]

Quote from Bob

Bob: Frankie, this is the new ray of sunshine in my life, Lisa.
Lisa: Thank you for inviting me into your lovely home. I brought my own mashed potatoes.
Frankie: Oh, you didn't need to do that.
Lisa: I'm lactose-intolerant. Trust me, I'm doing you a favor.
Bob: Isn't she amazing?
Brick: [on the phone] Uh, Grandma, I gotta go. A librarian just walked in.
Bob: Is that Pat? [takes the phone] Happy Thanksgiving.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Lisa, I think you probably know my son Brick from the library.
Lisa: Sure. Nice tie.
Brick: Oh, thanks. It's really hard to find clothes with a book theme.
Lisa: Tell me about it.

Quote from Frankie

Bob: [on the phone] Well, send pictures of the recital. Let me give you to big Mike and Rusty.
[After Bob passes the phone to Big Mike, he stares blankly at it and hands it down to Rusty, who does the same and then hands it to Frankie.]
Frankie: [takes the phone] Uh, y-yeah, sorry. I couldn't find 'em. Yeah. Okay. Uh, I gotta go.

Quote from Frankie

Big Mike: The last time we were together on Thanksgiving, your mother was alive. [uncomfortable silence]
Mike: All right. [clears throat] Okay. I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Whew. Okay. I am, uh, gonna get the ball rollin'. And here I go. Uh... Just gonna say it. [clears throat] I love you, Dad.
[Big Mike is silent]
Frankie: And I love you, Mike. And... And I love you, Sue.
Sue: I love you, too, mom.
Frankie: And I love you, Brick.
Brick: Love you, mom.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: And I love you, Axl.
Axl: Got it.
Frankie: Anybody else wanna chime in, go ahead.
Sue: Love you, Axl. Love you, Brick.
Brick: Love you, Sue. Love you, Axl.
Axl: Yeah, yeah. [fake sobs] I kinda love you, Brick and Sue. Oh, my God. I just love you so much. I... [stops sobbing]

Quote from Bob

Brick: I love you, Miss Gibbs.
Lisa: I love you, Brick.
[Bob runs off to the bathroom]

Quote from Mike

Big Mike: So long, Mike. [they shake hands]
Frankie: Dad. Been good seeing you.
Big Mike: Thanks for the meal. [kisses Frankie]
Frankie: You're welcome, big Mike.
Mike: Take care.
Frankie: Be careful.
[Before he leaves, Rusty hugs Mike]
Frankie: Wow. Has that ever happened before?
Mike: No, and I hope it never happens again.

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