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Please Don't Feed The Hecks

‘Please Don't Feed The Hecks’

Season 9, Episode 2 - Aired October 10, 2017

After Nancy thanks Frankie for giving her an old scarf by presenting the Hecks with a delicious apple pie, Frankie thinks she's stumbled onto the perfect way to get free food. Sue and Lexie are shocked to discover their college apartment has been illegally rented out to a man who refuses to leave. Meanwhile, Axl gets a job driving a school bus, and Brick invites his father to talk at career day.

Quote from Nancy Donahue

Frankie: Okay, listen. I just came from the grocery. We got to cook something really nice for Nancy.
Mike: What? Why?
Frankie: She is in bad shape. I have never seen her like this. Turns out that pepper steak was a cry for help. So, you're gonna grill her some ribs. I'll make that really great sauce. We really got to bring it, Mike.
[cut to Nancy eating ribs in her dining room:]
Nancy: Ron! Get in here! They fell for it.


Quote from Sue

Lexie: Living here? What do you mean you're living here?
Professor Beckett: I mean, I start a new job on Monday, and I Therebnb'd this place till November.
Sue: I'm sorry, but there must be some kind of a mistake. We never Therebnb'd our apartment. All we did was sublet it for the summer to Derek and Andy.
Professor Beckett: Well, Derek and Andy Therebnb'd it to me, and... I've got a contract.
Lexie: But my name's on the lease.
Professor Beckett: But my name's on this contract.
Sue: But we have nowhere else to go!
Professor Beckett: Look, you seem like reasonably nice, if overly excitable, girls, but I'm running out of patience here. You got a problem, take it up with Derek or Andy or my lawyer, but I've got this place through November, and I'm staying through November.

Quote from Sue

Lexie: I can't believe this. How are we sleeping in our cars when we have a perfectly nice apartment?
Sue: Well, what are we supposed to do? It's not like we can tell our building manager. I'm not sure we were even allowed to sublet.
Lexie: Why wouldn't you let me call my dad? Are you sure you don't want to call your dad?
Sue: Lexie, we are almost 21. We have to lean into our power as women and take care of this on our own. We are gonna go over there after class today and be firm and strong and get our apartment back. Oh, and I heard people listen to women more if they speak in a lower vocal register.
Lexie: [deep voice] Like this?
Sue: No, that's sexy. [gravelly voice] More like this.
Lexie: [normal voice] Oh. That sounds like you're burping.
Sue: I am a little... I'm nervous.

Quote from Mike

Mike: She gone?
Frankie: You're such a baby.
Mike: Yeah, a baby that didn't have to talk to anybody.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Nancy gave it to me 'cause I gave her my scarf.
Mike: You have a scarf?
Frankie: I had a scarf. Now I have pie.
Mike: Mmm.
Frankie: Oh. Mmm. [Mike chuckles] Am I crying? I feel like I'm crying. Maybe it's just the saliva welling up to my eyes. How do people not believe in God? Oh. Hey, maybe if I keep giving Nancy stuff, she'll keep making us food. [both chuckle] We do do that a lot.
Frankie: Crap. That's Axl. I'm not sharing this pie with him.
Mike: Mnh-mnh.
Frankie: He'll scarf it down like an animal. Mm. Let's eat it in the bathroom.
Mike: Mm-hmm.
Frankie: No, no, no. Don't you hold it!
Mike: Just keep your mouth open. I'm dropping stuff.

Quote from Sue

Professor Beckett: What is this? I thought I made myself clear.
Lexie: I know.
Sue: Mm-hmm.
Lexie: We understand how difficult it must be to move to a new town and to find an apartment...
Sue: So, no worries. Stay as long as you want.
Lexie: Uh... [chuckles nervously] Sue, uh, isn't there something else you wanted to say? You know, something firm and strong and in a low-register voice?
Sue: [high-pitched] Nope, no, no. [normal voice] Nothing comes to mind at the moment. Buh-bye, now!
Professor Beckett: Stop. I saw you today.
Sue: No.
Professor Beckett: You're in my 3:30 lecture, aren't you? The girl in the front with the sparkly notebook.
Sue: It's not that sparkly. Just when the light hits it. But, isn't it crazy that you're my statistics professor? What are the odds of that? I guess you could tell me. Ha! [chuckles]
Professor Beckett: I don't know. But here's something I can tell you... the odds of me taking one step out of this place before November are... Hang on. Let me calculate that. Oh, right. Zero. [door slams]

Quote from Sue

Sue: On the upside, the sun is like nature's alarm clock.
Lexie: Shut up.

Quote from Lexie

Lexie: I just can't sleep in a car anymore. I was a debutante. It's wrong.

Quote from Axl

Brick: Well, you both pooped the bed. That was embarrassing. But at least I got the 10 extra credit points.
Mike: Tried to tell him no.
Axl: He really should've listened to you. [looks at Mike] Hey! Sharing a look! I get it now.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] You know, a big part of growing up is knowing when it's time to grow up. And though there were times when she'd have to present a tougher face on the outside... [Sue blows the glitter off her notebook] ...she'd never lose the glitter on the inside.

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