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Leap Year

‘Leap Year’

Season 3, Episode 18 - Aired February 29, 2012

Sue is excited for her once-every-four-year birthday celebration on February 29, even though Frankie makes it clear there will be no surprise party. Meanwhile, Frankie discovers Mike has been taking care of a stray cat at work for years, Axl gets so bored he starts vacuuming the house, and a girl joins Brick's social skills group just as the school gets ready to pull the funding.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Hey, Brick. Oh, shoot. They forgot yours. Mm. Well, here. Have two fries. Use extra ketchup so you get your vegetables.


Quote from Mike

Axl: Hey. How come you get a cat, and we don't?
Sue: Can you bring him home? Can I feed him? Can he sleep in my room?
Brick: Why does he get to sleep in your room? I'm the one with no friends.
Mike: Nobody's getting the cat. The cat is dead.
Sue: Our cat died?!
Frankie: Oh, Mike, what happened?
Mike: Well, he was so weak, he couldn't even eat or drink, so I was kind of holding him, feeding him milk with an eyedropper, felt him sort of shudder, and I looked in his eyes, and he let out one last little meow, and... He was gone. So wrapped him in my shirt, took him down to the west berm. Where he liked to lay in the sun, and, uh, dug a hole and buried him. So what's this? Chow mein?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: You're not watching the Purdue game?
Mike: I'm building a shelf.
Frankie: You're sad. Why can't you just admit that you're sad? It's annoying.
Mike: Well, I think it's annoying that you're bugging me when I'm building a shelf.
Frankie: I'm not trying to be annoying. It's just that I sense that you're holding things in, and if you wanted to talk about it, I want to, you know... Help you process this.
Mike: Frankie, it was just a cat.
Frankie: Named Limestone.
Mike: And he died.
Frankie: In your arms.
Mike: Nothing to process.
Frankie: Except profound feelings of loss, grief, and pain. Mike, just let it out. It never needs to leave this garage.
Mike: Well, I need to leave this garage. Gotta get my hair cut.
Frankie: Well, I would like to give you a hug. Can I give you a hug? [hugs Mike] Oh.
Mike: Okay. Are we good? Can I go get my hair cut now?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: What's wrong?
Mike: My barber's moving to a damn salon.
Frankie: Okay, so follow him to another salon.
Mike: I'm not gonna do that, Frankie. I'm not gonna get my hair cut at a place called The Gossip. I just... j... The cat, my barber... Everything I care about, gone.
Frankie: Your cat and your barber are everything you care about?
Mike: And the Colts. That's it. I'm done loving things.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Here it is.
Sue: [gasps] Patchwork cake. I saw this on Cake Boss! [screams] Aah!
All: [sing] Happy Birthday to Sue Happy Birthday to Sue Happy Birthday, dear Sue Happy Birthday to Sue.
Frankie: Don't forget to make a wish.
Sue: What could I wish for? I got everything I ever wanted.
Frankie: [v.o.] God bless Sue. As I looked at her blowing out the bathroom candle on her patchwork car wash cake, I felt like sometimes I didn't deserve her. But the good thing about having somebody that optimistic in the family is that her optimism rubs off on all of us.

Quote from Sue

Sue: You regular birthday-ed don't understand what it's like for us leapers. I only get to celebrate my actual birthday once every four years, so this is big. And, Mom? This year, I've decided I want it to be a surprise party.
Frankie: It doesn't work that way. If you ask for a surprise party, It's not really gonna be a surprise.
Sue: That's okay. I promise to be totally surprised. Every time we watch Up, I'm still surprised when the house floats away.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: If it's no big deal, why can't you tell me? What's going on?
Mike: Nothing. It's just... There's... There's this cat at the quarry's been sick, so I've been looking after him. It's not a big deal. Go to bed.
Frankie: Wait, wait, wait. "A cat"? What do you mean, "a cat"? I don't understand. You have a cat?
Mike: He's not my cat. It's... Just a cat that comes by. Yeah, I took him to the vet, but...
Frankie: You're taking a cat to the vet? Brick didn't poop for three weeks. You didn't notice.
Mike: Well, Limestone's been pretty sick.
Frankie: You named him?
Mike: I didn't name him. I just call him that.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] Out here in the middle, we spend a lot of time running our kids around to lots of activities, but the only thing worse than having too many activities is having no activities.
Axl: I'm bored.
Frankie: You could vacuum.
Axl: You're hilarious.
Frankie: Why don't you read a book?
Axl: Why don't you read a book? [Frankie opens the refrigerator] Ooh. Leave that open. The cool air feels good on my feet.
Frankie: You know, what else might feel good is soap and a washcloth.
Axl: Oh, this sucks. Basketball's over. Baseball season hasn't started yet. I need a hug. But not from you... from some hot chick.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: So how long have you had your pet cat Limestone?
Mike: It's not my cat. I don't know. Seven years?
Frankie: Are you serious? How come I'm just hearing about this?
Mike: 'Cause there's nothing to hear. It's boring.
Frankie: Look, I just think it's kind of odd that this never came up. If I had a cat at work, I would be telling you all kinds of stories about him.
Mike: And that would be boring. [Frankie smiles] What?
Frankie: It's nice. It's cute thinking about you taking care of a cat. It humanizes you.
Mike: I need to be humanized?
Frankie: Little bit. [Mike walks into the bathroom] Were you gonna say "Good night", Mike?
Mike: I said "good night" to him at the quarry.
Frankie: I meant, to me.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: Hey, did you see your dad this morning? I don't know what's up with him. He came home after I went to bed last night, and then he left really early this morning...
Axl: Oh, what you're saying is boring! Hey, Sue! You wanna do something with me?
Sue: What's happening?
Frankie: He's bored.
Sue: Well, I am not bored, 'cause I'm too busy thinking about my birthday... My once-every-four-years leap year birthday.
Axl: "Leap year"? Don't you mean "lame-p year"? Oh, God. I'm so bored, I can't even insult my sister.

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