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Fight or Flight

‘Fight or Flight’

Season 8, Episode 23 - Aired May 16, 2017

After Axl announces that he's going to spend the summer in Europe, Mike thinks Axl should stay at home and start looking for job. Meanwhile, Sue panics after she dings a parked SUV, and Brick realizes his recent backaches have been caused by not sitting in his lawn chair.

Quote from Brick

Brick: How's it going?
Frankie: I'm missing a bra. What are you doing?
Brick: I'm enjoying my old chair so much I take it everywhere I go. No more back pain. [sighs] I feel 14 again.


Quote from Mike

Mike: What the hell makes you think you can afford to be doing this?
Axl: Kenny's paying for it.
Mike: He's paying for your ticket. Who paid for the passport? Who's paying for your other expenses? That could've been money that was going to groceries.
Axl: It has never been my job to buy groceries.
Mike: Oh, right, 'cause you don't have a job. Well, let me tell you something... there's gonna be some ground rules around here starting now, and not like the bathtub contract. Rules that get followed. I don't care if you know how to spell your name or not. What the hell are you smirking at?
Axl: "Underpants" popped into my head again.
Mike: Grow up, Axl!
Axl: Oh, I am all grown up, muchacho. I'm going to Europe, and you can't stop me.

Quote from Mike

Mike: What if Kenny ditches you? What then? You don't know this guy that well. He never talks. How you getting back?
Axl: I will figure stuff out there. That's part of the experience.
Mike: Four years in college, and he comes back dumber than he went in.
Axl: No, four years of college, I learned there's a whole world out there. You're just jealous 'cause you don't get to go.
Brick: Oh, snap.
Mike: Yep, you got me! That's it, Axl, I am jealous of you. That's what it is. I would love to stay a kid my whole life. [as Axl] That'd be awesome. I'm just gonna play the guitar and sit in my room. I don't got to do adult stuff like work. I've got long hair that hangs over my eyes. I'm cool.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So two days after not hearing anything back from her accident victim, Sue left yet another note... and the Donahues' number as a backup... and a map... and a pamphlet of things to do in Orson in case they were just visiting.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Sue, you're obsessing.
Sue: Oh, I was so cocky after the accident. "Look at me not hitting a person. Check me out, I didn't kill a squirrel." God is punishing me for my arrogance.
Frankie: You want this Pillow Pet?
Sue: Is the Velcro still good?
Frankie: No.
Sue: Then no. Yes! Oh, why wouldn't he call? The car hasn't moved in days. He had to have seen the notes by now. [gasps] Unless... he's old, and he's on the floor in his apartment because he had a heart attack and nobody knows about it. Oh, my gosh! Why would I just leave a note? Oh, I should have knocked on every door until I found him. Then he might still be alive!

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Axl, you're starting to use Sue's pile as the laundry pile. Respect the piles. Oh, so, what you doing?
Axl: Uploading my résumé to Got to get me a job before all the good ones are gone.
Frankie: Wait, you had your passport. You were all set to go.
Axl: Yeah, I'm not going.
Frankie: But you were so determined. You marched angrily through the hall.
Axl: No, I thought about what Dad was saying, and he's right. I had fun for 23 years, but it's over now. It is what it is. Think I'd be good at selling tie clips? Also, what are tie clips? I thought they were, like, clip-on ties, but apparently that's a whole other thing.
Frankie: [exhales sharply] Screw that. You're going.
Axl: What?
Frankie: You have the rest of your life to sell tie clips, but right now you need to see the world because it's amazing. I mean, I haven't seen it, but I've seen pictures.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [gasps] Oh, wait! My dad has that third cousin in Ireland. I'll get his contact info. Their phone numbers are all weird. Just punch it all in.

Quote from Sue

Rob: Hi. I'm looking for Sue Heck.
Sue: I'm Sue Heck. You're Blue SUV Man. Oh, my gosh, I'm so happy you're alive. [hugs him] Unless you're gonna sue me.
Rob: I'm not gonna sue you, except maybe for extreme niceness.
Sue: Ah. [laughs] That's not a real thing, right? I know, logically, it isn't, but I am in a very delicate place right now.
Rob: No, there's no damage to my car. I just had to come and meet you in person. Most people wouldn't have bothered to leave a note, much less 15.
Sue: I just felt so bad.
Rob: Are you kidding? You should feel good. These days, people are at each other's throats, mean to each other all the time. Clearly your parents raised you right.
Frankie: Don't be an idiot, Brick. You can't take the folding chair to the airport.
Brick: What if there's a delay?
Mike: Let's go, let's go.
Brick: Seriously? Again?
Rob: What you did was special. If there's anything you ever need in the future, give me a call. [hands her a card] Ah. It's just one. I could leave you more.
Sue: [chuckles] No. No, no, no, no. One is great. My mom thinks I'm kind of a hoarder.

Quote from Axl

Sue: [gasps] Bring me back a mug or a stuffed animal. I can never have enough stuffed animals.
Frankie: You have enough stuffed animals.
Axl: I want to bring you a T-shirt with that statue of the lady who's got wings but no head. It'll look cool when you're wearing it and you got no head.
Sue: Oh, you are not freezing my head.
Axl: Already put in the paperwork.
Sue: Mom!
Frankie: Mike.
Mike: Sue.
Sue: Rob.
Rob: Axl.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: Wait! Oh, okay, try to find free wi-fi so that you can e-mail us. Let us know when you change countries. And some cultures drink wine at lunch... it doesn't mean you have to.
Sue: Take pictures so we know what the world looks like.
Mike: [to Brick] Just stand for five seconds.
Axl: I got to go, got to go!
Mike: Hey, wait! If you get a chance, you should check out the Colosseum. I saw a show about it when I was a kid, and it looked really cool.
Axl: Okay, I'll find the show online and watch it.
Mike: No, I mean go to the thing.
Axl: I know. Just kidding. [Axl and Mike hug]

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