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A Heck of a Ride: Part One

‘A Heck of a Ride: Part One’

Season 9, Episode 23 - Aired May 22, 2018

When Axl realizes his new job starts in just a few days, the Hecks prepare to send him off to new his life in Denver.

Quote from Brick

[Brick grabs a tape measure and starts measuring Axl's bed]
Axl: Uh... Brick?
Brick: [tape measure recoils] Yeah?
Axl: Did you hear what I said? I'm going to Denver.
Brick: I heard. Do you know if this is a load-bearing wall?
Sue: Brick!
Brick: Sorry. Do you know how long it is before you have to go?
Axl: About a month. [Sue gasps]
Brick: That's barely any time!
Sue: I know!
Brick: I mean, in that time, I bet you wouldn't even miss your bed if we just moved it down to the basement.
Axl: What?
Brick: I might want to turn this whole area into a reading lounge, and it seems impractical not to move the heavy stuff while we still have the manpower.


Quote from Axl

Sue: Axl. Just Just promise me that before you go, we'll have a moment. You know, like a real brother/sister moment.
Axl: Isn't that what we're doing right now?
Brick: Whatever you're doing, can you move a scosh to the right?
Axl: Brick, do you not get it?! I'm leaving! Like, moving out of the state!
Brick: I know.
Axl: And you're just worried about moving the bed? The... Oh, my God.
Sue: [sobs] Ugh!
Axl: The bed I slept next to you in for your whole life? This is our room, Brick. We shared secrets and stories and... Sue! Stop crying so loud so I can hear Brick!

Quote from Brick

Brick: [o.s.] Uh-oh.
Sue: Brick?
Axl: What the hell? What the...
Brick: I've had my eye on this bookcase in the back room of the library for years. I never had space for it, but now I do. In my zeal to bring it home, it's possible I may have misjudged the size.
Axl: Dude, I still need to get in here! Oh, my God. Ugh! [groans] How did you do this?!
Brick: I don't want much, but when I do, I really want it.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: You know, when you're moving, some boxes are better than others. You want your dry goods... cereals. Oh, your toilet-paper boxes are the belle of the box ball. You see one of those, you snag 'em fast.
Axl: You guys, I told you, I don't have that much stuff. I could just use trash bags.
Frankie: No way. We're sending our boy off in style.
Mike: That's why we're in an alley behind the Frugal Hoosier trolling for boxes.
Randy: This is the only one I could find back there.
Frankie: Unh-unh, Randy. I am not buyin' it. I think you're holding out on me. Now, I didn't want to have to use my pull, but we are members of your Frugal Hoosier Miser's Club.
Mike: Mere points from achieving Tightwad status.
Frankie: Yeah. You got kids? Would you want to send your son off to a prestigious new job with all his stuff in a cruddy little onion box?
Randy: Actually, I thought I'd send my kid off with luggage.
Frankie: Hey, Randy, check the 'tude. Now, I don't know if you're saving 'em for sledding or building a fort for your kids, but I know you got a secret stash. So why don't you march yourself back to wherever you're hiding it and bring mama the good stuff? [Randy sighs] Axl, go watch him. We don't have a lot of time. We still need to get to Bed Bath and Between. New job, new sheets. Gonna send our boy off right!

Quote from Axl

Axl: Sue. Can I, uh, talk to you a minute?
Sue: Yeeees?
Axl: [sighs] You know, obviously, I'm leaving in a couple of days, and I won't be seeing you guys for a while...
Sue: Uh-huh.
Axl: ...which is kind of a big deal.
Sue: Uh-huh.
Axl: So... [sighs] Why do you think Brick isn't gonna miss me?
Sue: W... I don't know, Axl. I'm not really focused on Brick right now. Kinda more focused on you.
Axl: Which you should be. So why isn't Brick?
Sue: Axl, I'm pretty devastated that you're leaving, so...
Axl: Which is the right response, so what do you think is up with Brick?
Sue: Pbht.
Axl: So, are you gonna ask him, or...

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] With one day to go and the house in chaos, it seemed the bookcase was the only thing that wasn't moving.
Mike: Damn it!
Frankie: Any luck?
Mike: The answer to that question will forever be "no." I don't know how the hell he did it, but he really wedged this in there. I may have to take off the doorjamb.
Frankie: No, you can't! It has all the markings of the kids' heights as they grew. That has to stay here forever, especially now when we're all feeling so sentimental.

Quote from Brick

Brick: [whistles] Excuse me. Pardon me.
[Brick starts putting books on the bookcase that's trapped in the door]
Brick: Look, it's not ideal, but it's not un-ideal. I say we embrace it and call it a happy accident.
Frankie: That's true. We embraced you.
Brick: Wait, what?
Frankie: Nothing. Enjoy your library.

Quote from Brick

Mike: We're driving him there. We're all gonna drive him there.
Sue: Oh!
Brick: Uh, nobody talked to me about that. I can't just pick up and go at a moment's notice.
Mike: Do you got plans?
Brick: I got books. That's better than plans.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: It's gonna be fun, Brick. We're all going together as a family to kick your brother out of the nest.
Brick: I don't know what this infatuation is you have with family car trips. Nobody's happy on them. We like them only in retrospect.
Mike: Well, that's true about anything with family. But... we do it anyway.
Brick: Fine. But I need some assurance that I won't have to sit in the middle.
Axl: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You gotta sit in the middle, Brick. That's your spot.
Brick: Not anymore. My feet are on the hump, you two fight and pass food across me, and I'm sorry, but a busted seatbelt tied in a bow is not safe. I officially call the window seat.
Axl: You can't call it.
Brick: And yet I just did.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Yes! Axl has to sit in the middle. I've been putting together a scrapbook I want to show him, and this way it can rest on both our laps. It's long. You'll like it.

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