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Leap to Faith

‘Leap to Faith’

Season 2, Episode 9 - Aired January 4, 2018

The group don't know whether they can trust Michael anymore after Shawn gives him a promotion.

Quote from Eleanor

Chidi: Kierkegaard?
Eleanor: Yes, Kierkegaard. When Michael was mocking us about trying to become better people, whose name did he use, huh? Kierkegaard. I think he was sending us a message to take a leap of faith, 'cause that was Kierkegaard's thing, right?
Chidi: Yes, although it's probably better translated as a leap into faith.
Eleanor: It's so hard to be your friend.
Chidi: Yep, sorry.
Eleanor: Michael was telling us to trust him. I had a long talk with him the other night about the whole Derek incident. Dude was shook, talking about ethics and all spiraling about human stuff. I think he's on our side.


Quote from Vicky

Vicky: My hard work paid off for you, and now you're just taking all the credit.
Michael: Vicky, Vicky, this can work out great for both of us if we play our cards right. Shawn thinks that this is attempt number two, right? Now, if I tell him that you've been in charge of this version, he's eventually gonna find out that there have been hundreds of failed versions.
Vicky: Oh... right.
Michael: And if that happens, we're all going down. So, spread the word. No one talks about the reboots.
Vicky: Fine, but you better make this right. Mama want promotion, ya heard?

Quote from Janet

Bad Janet: What up, pork sticks? That was "She Hates Me" by Puddle of Mudd. Coming up next, "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." Idiots.

Quote from Janet

Vicky: Hey, man, have you told Shawn how hugely important I was yet?
Michael: I will get to it. Promise. Now, you just relax. Enjoy yourself. Rip a cat in half. It's a party, Vicky, come on. [walks off]
Vicky: Hey.
Janet: Aah.
Vicky: What does Michael keep whispering to you?
Janet: Um, something, something, Vicky, something, something. Uh, can I braid your hair?

Quote from Janet

Bad Janet: Okay, you fat dinks, the sun is up, and we're about to close it down with one last song: "She Hates Me" by Puddle of Mudd and "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" played at the same time.

Quote from Vicky

Shawn: Honestly, I'm still partial to the old-fashioned scorpion diapers, but you've done great work here.
Michael: I can't thank you enough for everything.
Vicky: Shawn, wait.
Michael: No...
Vicky: I have some very interesting information about who's really responsible for this neighborhood.
Michael: Shawn, the humans are escaping.
Vicky: It's Michael. Michael's responsible for this neighborhood and everything that's happening right now. Bye!

Quote from Shawn

Gayle: Shawn, I don't wanna make any accusations, but I accuse Vicky. She asked me to help her take Janet's bracelets off.
Michael: Oh, Vicky, you didn't. She definitely did. She's jealous. She's been trying to sabotage me the entire time.
Vicky: What? No, he's lying. Okay, I did try to get the bracelets off, but I couldn't.
Michael: Listen to yourself. You sound crazy.
Shawn: Normally I would love hearing a man tell a woman she's crazy, but I can't. You aided the humans just to spite Michael. You're not a demon. You're a jerk.

Quote from Janet

Vicky: Wait, this is a trick. Michael is the traitor. I bet they're still here somehow. This place stretches for 1,000 miles.
Michael: Fine. Bad Janet?
Bad Janet: [appears] What?
Michael: Scan the neighborhood, please.
Bad Janet: No sign of any humans, but I actually did find something for Vicky.
Vicky: What? [Bad Janet farts]
Shawn: Bad Janet, great stuff as always.
Bad Janet: No duh. [disappears]

Quote from Michael

Chidi: Oh, that was a bad idea! That was so scary so many different times. I hated that.
Michael: You guys! I was so scared for you. [crying]
Eleanor: I told you he was on our side.
Michael: You're my friends, and I want... I wanted to save you.
Eleanor: Hey, it's okay, bud.
Janet: This is the best summer ever, you guys.
Michael: Oh.

Quote from Janet

Chidi: Janet!
Janet: [appears] Hi, hey, hey...
Eleanor: Janet...
Janet: Yeah?
Eleanor: We need you to go get Derek from your void.
Janet: Okay. Shoot, where's my void again? I forget. Oh, yeah, it's everywhere. Okay, hang on to your butt cheeks. [disappears] [o.s.] Ugh, where is he? Ow, owie. I'm never gonna find... there he is.

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