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Sophia's Wedding

‘Sophia's Wedding’

Season 4, Episode 6 -  Aired November 19, 1988

Dorothy is concerned when Sophia moves past a feud with an old family friend to fall in love with him and decide to get married. Meanwhile, Blanche and Rose start an Elvis fan club, and Dorothy starts smoking again.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: This is the kind of mistake you're supposed to make when you're 19. It gives me hope to think you can be just as dopey at 82.
Max: So. Do you want to get a divorce?
Sophia: Hey, I'm Catholic. I don't need a divorce on my record with St. Peter in spitting distance. I say we get separated.
Max: Fine. That's a better idea. I'll go back to Brooklyn. My family's there, my grandkids. And I miss the old neighborhood.
Sophia: And I'll stay here in Miami. Ever since I lost my Sal, the ladies I live with are my family. But that doesn't mean we can't get together occasionally for... you know.
Max: You can do that when you're just good friends?
Sophia: Hey, I want to get in good with St. Peter, I don't want his job.


Quote from Rose

Rose: Uh-oh. Either I mixed the Elvis list with the wedding list, or everyone in Max's family appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I set off the smoke alarm.
Rose: How?
Dorothy: Cigarette.
Rose: Oh, no thank you, I don't smoke. Now, how did you set off the alarm?
Dorothy: I smoked a cigarette, you amoeba.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Well, it just so happens that it was not about sex. There's a lot more than that to Blanche Devereaux. My dream was to be a great scientist. Work in a laboratory. Do research. Find a cure for the common cold.
Dorothy: You know, Blanche, I owe you an apology. I really thought-
Blanche: Then I'd knock all those test tubes off the table, grab a Ph.D., and show those lab rabbits how it's really done.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Dorothy, I spoke to your Aunt Regina in Sicily to tell her about the wedding. She told me I'm in for some very bad luck unless I have the blessing of my eldest daughter, or my child with the most facial hair. Either way, all arrows point to you.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Well, that about concludes the first meeting of the Hunk-a Hunk-a Burnin' Love Fan Club. But before we adjourn, our secretary has a real special surprise. A genuine Elvis artifact!
Rose: It's a partially-eaten pork chop. He had beautiful teeth, didn't he? It's wonderful!
Dorothy: This has to be a fake. I mean, Elvis would never have left this much meat on a pork chop. [laughs]
Blanche: Dorothy, you're out of the club. Meeting is adjourned. Thank you, ladies. See you next week.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: What's a terrific idea?
Rose: Hiring an Elvis impersonator for our next club meeting.
Blanche: Dorothy, if you were picking an Elvis impersonator, how would you pick a good one?
Dorothy: I'd thump on his belly and see if he's ripe. How the hell should I know? And why the hell should I care? You threw me out of your crummy club.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, you know how I feel. I cannot give you my blessing.
Sophia: Dorothy, I love you, but if you ruin my happiness, I will put a Sicilian curse on you that will be like hell on earth.
Dorothy: Ma, you can't put a Sicilian curse on your eldest daughter if the mother is marrying a man under five foot seven! You're not the only one with Aunt Regina's phone number.
Sophia: Damn MCI.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Girls! Girls, it's here. I am so excited. It's my letter from the Elvis Presley fan club. Oh, my hands are shaking. Dorothy, you read it.
Dorothy: "Dear Rose Nylund. Your application to start an unauthorized chapter of the Elvis Presley Hunk-a Hunk-a Burnin' Love Fan Club in your neighborhood and/or trailer park has been accepted."
Rose: This is the happiest, most fulfilling day of my life!
Sophia: Which makes you the most pathetic human being on this planet.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, what's the matter?
Sophia: Esther Weinstock is dead. We grew up together. She was my best friend.
Dorothy: Oh, I'm so sorry. What happened?
Sophia: She was fighting an oil rig fire in the Gulf of Mexico. She was 88!
Rose: Well, it's great that she was able to work right up to the end.

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