Rose Nylund Quotes     Page 73 of 77    

Quote from Witness

Miles: I've missed you, Rose.
Rose: Oh, I've missed you, too, Miles.
Miles: No, no, Rose. My name is now Samuel. Samuel Plankmaker.
Rose: Isn't it dangerous for you to be here? You might have been followed.
Miles: Oh, no, I took all kinds of precautions. I even switched buggies on the way over.


Quote from Witness

Blanche: I don't know what I'm gonna do. Boy, you find out you're a Jew with a dilemma, and these rabbis just come out of the woodwork.
Dorothy: Rose, who is this?
Rose: This is- This is a friend. His name is Samuel. Samuel Plankmaker. Samuel, these are my roommates. Girls, you know Miles. Samuel! Shoot! Sorry.

Quote from Witness

Miles: Oh, my God! You! How did you find me?
Karl: Time to say goodbye, buddy boy.
Rose: Karl, Miles, as flattering as this is, I- I don't want you fighting over me.
Miles: What? Karl? Is this the man you've been seeing?
Rose: Uh-huh. But don't worry. He's just a little jealous.
Miles: Got some bad news, Rose. It's not you he's after. He's using you to get to me. This is the Cheeseman.

Quote from Witness

Miles: Rose, it's over. I'm a free man. I can be with you now, if that's still what you want.
Rose: Oh, that's all I've ever wanted. But you have to promise me never to leave me again.
Miles: Well, sweetheart, I might have to for a little while. Back on my farm in Pennsylvania, I still have an order in for 13 windmills. Oh, screw 'em. What are they gonna do, phone?

Quote from What a Difference a Date Makes

Rose: Can I have those gummy bears?
Blanche: They are good, aren't they?
Rose: Oh, I don't eat 'em.
Sophia: Then why do you want 'em?
Rose: To play army. And sometimes I like to line 'em up around my bed and pretend I'm Gulliver.

Quote from What a Difference a Date Makes

Dorothy: Oh, God, that's John. Oh, I just hope I can be mean enough.
Rose: Dorothy, do that thing you do to me in the morning when I try to take a piece of bacon off your plate.

Quote from What a Difference a Date Makes

Dorothy: Blanche, stop. Blanche! You're out of control.
Blanche: Oh, my God. Oh, Rose, honey, I'm sorry. What did I just do?
Rose: This. [shakes Blanche]

Quote from What a Difference a Date Makes

Blanche: Well, fine. I won't have my sensible meal. Tomorrow's my anniversary anyway.I'll jus t have my last shake tonight. Where's my shake? [Rose walks away, hides behind Dorothy] You heard me. I said, where's my shake?
Rose: I needed something to wash down the little pie.
Blanche: Aah! Aah!
Rose: It was so fishy.
Blanche: I don't believe you.
Rose: Well, if it's any consolation, I'm still hungry.

Quote from What a Difference a Date Makes

Dorothy: Well, I guess we should be going.
Rose: Oh, not before I get a picture.
Dorothy: Oh, Rose.
Rose: Oh, come on, Dorothy, it's your prom picture. Say "cheese."
Both: Cheese.
Rose: Now smile.
Dorothy: We'll save a lot of time if you just do it.

Quote from Hey, Look Me Over

Blanche: Well, that does it, Rose. Now you've just gone too far. I don't know how he got into my room, but I can promise you, I do not go to bed with men who wear wedding bands.
Rose: What if he took it off?
Blanche: Then I'd see the tan line.
Rose: What if he was from Minnesota and had no tan?
Blanche: Ew!
Rose: "Ew"? So he's not good enough for you? Listen, my Charlie was 6' 2" and broad shouldered and apparently had about as much taste in women as... As... [stammering] Other men with flawed choicing skills.

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