‘Ho-ly K.I.T.T.’
Season 4, Episode 7 - Aired November 16, 2016
On Thanksgiving, Murray and his brother, Marvin, argue over who's the biggest Knight Rider fan, while Beverly and Bill Lewis compete over who cooks the best turkey.
Quote from Murray
Marvin: We should do this more often. You know, bros watching shows. This is us at our best.
Murray: Like when we'd watch "Lone Ranger" as kids? You'd always be my Tonto.
Quote from Adam
Marvin: Listen, kid, if it's any consolation, you were totally right. Meeting K.I.T.T. in person It was, like, life changing. It w- It was better than you could ever think.
Adam: That's not a consolation! That's rubbing my face in it!
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Okay, Bill, if you could just stay in your designated area, I would appreciate it.
Bill Lewis: Oh, my bad. You see, when you're a pro at Thanksgiving like me, cooking is like jazz. You just go where it takes you. Bad-dap-pap-pow. Salt.
Beverly: No one likes jazz, okay? No one.
Quote from Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis: Oh, well, maybe we should do a little Pepsi challenge. Put our birds side by side. Winner takes all.
Beverly: We're not having a cook-off, okay? You're a guest in my home. I couldn't embarrass you like that.
Bill Lewis: Ooh! Sounds like someone's scared. Maybe you should be cooking a chicken instead! Ba-gawk!
Quote from Murray
Marvin: Admit it. I'm the Michael Knight. I'm even driving the car! [breathlessly] Son of a bitch!
Murray: Holy crap!
Marvin: [Voice breaking] Oh, no, K.I.T.T.'s hurt real bad!
Adam: Balls!
Marvin: Somebody call a car doctor!
Murray: That's called a mechanic, you moron.
Quote from Erica
Erica: This is what you get for being meat eaters. [chuckles] Not the right time to talk about my thing, huh? I'll come back later.
Quote from Adam
Adam: Look, don't blame Uncle Marvin. I may have kind of purposely turned you guys against each other.
Murray: Why?
Adam: I was mad you saw K.I.T.T. without me, but it was wrong to tear you guys apart. Also, it was shockingly easy to do. Honestly, it weirdly took no effort.