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Han Ukkah Solo

‘Han Ukkah Solo’

Season 4, Episode 10 - Aired December 14, 2016

Beverly is determined to get Erica to sing the Hannukah solo in the school's holiday concert. Meanwhile, Adam questions his entire childhood when he finally sees the rare Star Wars Christmas special.

Quote from Beverly

Principal Ball: It's been brought to my attention that the "Dreidel Cubed" song has been cut from the holiday concert.
Ms. Cinoman: Honestly, it's for the best.
Principal Ball: It's not. We got to do the "Dreidel."
Ms. Cinoman: She's gotten to you, hasn't she?
Principal Ball: She who?
Ms. Cinoman: She is standing right outside that door, isn't she?
Principal Ball: Yes.
Beverly: So, here's the thing, Cinnabuns, this Quaker school was founded on the basis that everyone deserves a festive holiday song.


Quote from Beverly

Principal Ball: You can't have a holiday concert without any Cha-nukkah songs. Just pick another one.
Ms. Cinoman: Sure, Earl. Uh, how about one of the famous ones recorded by, oh, I don't know, - Barry Manilow or Neil Diamond?
Principal Ball: Perfect.
Ms. Cinoman: They only did Christmas songs. Even they knew what the audience wanted.
Principal Ball: Well, look, if you don't do any Cha-nukkah songs, then you can't do any Christmas songs, either.
Beverly: Okay, this is going off the rails. If we can't mention the holidays, what are the kids supposed to sing about?
Principal Ball: Oh, I don't know. The weather? Mittens? The damn plow guy that always skips your street?

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was the final rehearsal for the big non-holiday holiday concert.
All: [singing] We wish a snowy Tuesday, we wish you a snowy Tuesday We wish you a snowy Tuesday and a cozy weekend
[to tune of "Silent Night"] Snowy night, secular night-
[to tune of "O Christmas Tree"] O winter time, O winter time You come before spring and after fall
[to tune of "Here Comes Santa Claus"] Here comes Uncle Doug Here comes Uncle Doug His flight gets in around 3:00

Quote from Murray

Adam: You replaced my favorite posters.
Murray: I guess it's a holiday miracle.

Quote from Pops

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Once I saw the good in the "Star Wars" special, I began to see the good in everything. And so I went back to finish "Howard the Duck." Turns out he became a legendary cult badass.
Pops: Aren't you glad we came back and saw the end?
Adam: Oh, yeah. I wish I was half as cool as Howard.
Pops: He does have a way with the ladies.

Quote from Murray

Adam: Stop what you're doing. I have the biggest holiday news of all time.
Murray: If I were to stop what I'm doing, it'd be more than what I'm actually doing.
Adam: Okay. So, as everyone knows, Star Wars is my entire life, soul, and universe.
Murray: [snores]
Adam: [claps] No dozing!
Murray: Well, then be less boring.

Quote from Barry

Barry: I think the other, way better Goldberg should do the solo. Check it. [rapping] Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel I made it out of- Nope. Can't do it. I can't make it cool. It's impossible.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: Don't you shmoopaloo me. What gives you the right to forge my name on a sign up sheet?
Beverly: It was on the bulletin board. All the solos were taken except for "Dreidel Cubed". That's what the hipcats call hit.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Pops, we need to talk.
Pops: Of course, darling. How can I make your life better?
Erica: [returning to Beverly] Damn you, he's so adorable.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: I guess I'll just have to coax Erica into writing her own Hanukkah song, and she'll knock everyone's socks off.
Ms. Cinoman: I like your moxie, but I'm pretty sure that Hanukkah has been around for a while, and no one has cracked that nut yet.

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