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Han Ukkah Solo

‘Han Ukkah Solo’

Season 4, Episode 10 - Aired December 14, 2016

Beverly is determined to get Erica to sing the Hannukah solo in the school's holiday concert. Meanwhile, Adam questions his entire childhood when he finally sees the rare Star Wars Christmas special.

Quote from Pops

Adam: What am I watching?!
Pops: Come on. The duck is like E.T. He just wants to go home.
Adam: Then how come he's spending so much time managing that band?
Murray: Al, the duck's gonna make it with that lady. What have you brought us to?
Pops: A family film. It's a family film.
Adam: I can't watch this anymore.
Murray: Well, then let's go.
Adam: Really? We can do that?
Murray: It's about time you learned that an adult can walk out of anything and demand his damn money back. I do it once a year. Let's go.
Pops: Adam, no! It's not that bad. A lady and a duck in bed? Who the [bleep] thought this was a good idea?


Quote from Adam

Adam: After I watched that Star Wars special, I've been re-evaluating all the things I loved as a child.
Pops: Don't do that.
Adam: All the movies I worship have come into question.
Pops: Don't do that.
Adam: Short Circuit 2, Time Bandits, and don't even get me started on Jaws 4: The Revenge.
Pops: Stop right there. I know you love that movie.
Adam: Until now! Why would a shark swim from New England to The Bahamas to eat a lady whose husband killed his shark friend?
Pops: Sharks have feelings, too.
Adam: "This time, it's personal." How's that possible? It's a fish! Fish don't hold grudges.
Pops: Oh, so now you're a shark expert.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Wow. That was so cool.
Murray: Were we watching two different things?
Adam: You don't know Star Wars. This special is really for the true fan.
Murray: So, the true fan wants to watch Dorothy from The Golden Girls flirt with an alien?
Adam: Uh, okay, I admit it was an odd choice to have Bea Arthur manage the cantina. Let's just move on.
Murray: And what's the deal with Lumpy and Itchy?
Adam: Chewie's family had to be named something.
Murray: Lumpy and Itchy? Couldn't they have spent 15 more seconds on the names?
Adam: I don't know! And I don't know why Art Carney is a family friend or why Jefferson Starship is performing for the Empire.
Murray: Starship's in their name. That one actually makes sense to me.
Adam: Let's never speak of this again.

Quote from Adam

Murray: Hi. Uh, three tickets for the movie about the talking duck. You know, I only see one movie a year. This better be good.
Adam: It's George Lucas! I bet everyone in school's gonna see it. Well, except the other Adam Goldberg in 11th grade. He only goes to that cinema downtown that serves wine.

Quote from Murray

Murray: So, you didn't love it. Who cares?
Adam: I care! I love Star Wars. It's my life. It makes no sense why I didn't love this, too.
Murray: It happens to every kid. The older you get, the more you realize that all the things you loved as a boy are pointless.
Adam: Are you saying I'm, like losing my sense of childlike wonder?
Murray: Well, you're not a child anymore, so, yes. And frankly, it's about time. It happened to me when I was 6.
Adam: 6?
Murray: My dad lost a bet. We slept in a car. It was a whole thing. Hey, good talk.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Well, this will be the song that puts me on the map. I'm guaranteed to make millions off of it.
Erica: Millions? By writing a Hanukkah song?
Barry: Think about it. What's the greatest cash cow of our time? Give up? It's "Happy Birthday."
Erica: Wait. [singing] "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you"- Dude, no one owns that song.
Barry: Wrong. Two little old ladies wrote it 100 years ago. Now every time it's sung on TV or movies, they get $50,000.
Barry: [singing] Happy birthday to you.
Barry: Boom!
Beverly: That's another $50,000.
Barry: Well, now I'm gonna be the birthday guy for Hanukkah. Ka-ching!

Quote from Pops

Pops: Hey, kiddo. What's shaking?
Adam: What's shaking is "Ghostbusters 2." It's riddled with logic problems. Since when can you use magic slime and a Nintendo controller to make the Statue of Liberty walk?
Pops: Since the ghost fellas can do anything. Why are you being so hard on them?

Quote from Pops

Pops: Thought you might want this back.
Adam: Holiday Special? Did you actually watch it?
Pops: Yep, and guess what? I think you missed something pretty big. This guy. Know him?
Adam: Of course. Boba Fett. He's my favorite character.
Pops: Got to admit, he was pretty cool in this.
Adam: Wait a second. This was made way before "Empire Strikes Back," so if you think about it, the "Holiday Special" gave us the Fett.
Pops: All I know is with the right point of view, this special really is pretty damn special.
Adam: Pops. Um... I don't get it. How do you manage to always see the good in everything?
Pops: It's easy if you never lose your childlike wonder. It doesn't matter how old you are. People like us always have it.
Adam: Really
Pops: Really. I need you to promise me one thing. Always hold on to that wonder, no matter what.
Adam: I will, Pops. I love you.
Pops: I know.

Quote from Murray

Adam: Boring? This is two hours' worth of unseen Star Wars goodness.
Murray: Star Wars. Is that the one with the bear?
Adam: I mean, I-I even heard rumor we meet Chewie's family.
Murray: Chuy? The guy who works in my stock room?
Adam: No, Chewbacca.
Murray: Is he the little guy who yells, "The plane, the plane"?
Adam: No, the wookiee? Han Solo's fuzz ball? [Imitates Chewbacca]
Murray: [snoring]
Adam: No dozing!

Quote from Erica

Ms. Cinoman: Erica, if you didn't want the solo, then why did you sign up for it?
Erica: I didn't.
Ms. Cinoman: Oh, yes, you did. With a glitter pen.
Erica: That's not my handwriting. 'Cause I would never dot the "I" in "Erica" with a heart. Oh, she is so dead!

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