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Bill's Wedding

‘Bill's Wedding’

Season 8, Episode 4 - Aired November 4, 2020

Beverly has twenty-four hours to plan a wedding for Bill and Dolores. Meanwhile, a fortune teller warns of relationship trouble for Erica, Barry or Adam.

Quote from Beverly

Jane Bales: Hello, I need service! [grabs the "Please take a number" sign] I'm next forever, so why don't you and your corned beefcovered friends start making me some finger sandwiches and a six-tiered wedding cake.
Butcher: We only do meats.
Jane Bales: And now cakes.
Beverly: And I need you to take in the seams of all these pants.
Butcher: Okay.


Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, my mom and Jane were a dream team, but I was in a relationship nightmare.
Adam: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. Dammit! Answering machine!
Barry: Dude, you're doomed. Leaving a message won't get your lady back.
Adam: [on phone] Brea! It's Adam Goldberg of Adam and Brea.
Barry: It's already bad.
Adam: I know you're headed off to sexy Hartford, but I could use a pep talk on where we stand. I mean, you could do whatever you want, but please don't do whatever you want. For the love of God, stay out of that hotel pool!
Barry: You're tanking it, bro. Just hang up while you're behind.
Adam: Anyhoo, safe travels, and please don't leave me. Oh, here comes my anxiety gas. Have I hung up yet? [hangs up] I think I nailed it.
Barry: You did not, but you can fix it. Just leave a few more messages in the same tone of clumsy desperation.
Adam: You're not a good person.
Barry: I know.

Quote from Erica

Geoff: Look, about the whole study-abroad thing... it kind of seemed like you were super pumped for me to go.
Erica: So pumped!
Geoff: You'd be okay with me leaving you, then?
Erica: I guess that's what I'm saying.
Geoff: Oh. Okay, then. I guess I should really consider it.
Erica: Please don't!
Geoff: I am so confused.
Erica: I know. I'm sorry. Of course I don't want you to go. But we just had this whole thing about how everything's on my terms, and this was my chance to finally support what you want.
Geoff: But I can never leave you.
Erica: But it's España. You can eat paella and watch children smoke.
Geoff: Everything I want is right here.
Erica: Now you're laying it on a little thick.
Geoff: Just shut up and kiss the flower girl.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Hey, have you seen my, uh, tie with the stain that looks like a stripe?
Beverly: I've got it right here.
Murray: Oh! And you also got big-boy chairs. How 'bout that. I pushed you to do better.
Beverly: Now maybe you can take care of something like your best-man duties?
Murray: I think it's a little too late for a bachelor party, but I'll talk to Vic.
Beverly: No. Is your speech ready?
Murray: Well, yes.
Beverly: Where is it?
Murray: [points to head] Bingy, bingy.
Beverly: So you didn't write it.
Murray: No, I did not.

Quote from Beverly

Dolores: Beverly, big problem. Bill has locked himself in the bathroom. He says he doesn't want to go through with it!
Beverly: Nobody panic. It's just cold feet. Murray will talk him down.
Dolores: Thank you, Murray! [walks off]
Murray: What am I supposed to do?
Beverly: Maybe care about this wedding for a freakin' second!
Murray: I did at City Hall. But then you took over everything and turned it into a circus.
Beverly: Circus? Do you understand why I'm doing this?
Murray: No, I don't.
Beverly: Murray, you know, a wedding is not just about the two people getting married. It's a celebration of what it means to be married. Two people starting their lives together, starting a family.
Murray: Huh. I never thought of that.
Beverly: Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you didn't.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Oh, no. If Geoff and Erica are good and you and Brea are, too, then that can mean only one thing!
Ren: Hey, I was looking for you.
Barry: Hopefully not to break up with me.
Ren: What?
Barry: We're good, right?
Ren: Oh, um... yeah...
Barry: "Oh, um"?
Ren: Barry, we need to talk.

Quote from Beverly

Adult Adam: [v.o.] The wedding my mom planned for Bill was in serious trouble 'cause there was no Bill.
Jane Bales: [bangs on door] Bill, when you agreed to get married, you gave up your right to ever make a decision again.
Bill Lewis: [falsetto] Bill... Bill stepped out!
Beverly: [calmly] Bill... Um, I'm gonna knock down this door, choke you out, and drag your lifeless body downstairs... and move your face like a puppet so you say, "I do!"
Bill Lewis: You're gonna Weekend at Bernie's me? No, thank you!

Quote from Bill Lewis

Murray: L-L-Let me give this a try. [sighs heavily] Hey, Bill. I thought you were crazy about this lady.
Bill Lewis: Like beans love weenies. That's also our nicknames for each other. I'm beans.
Murray: Well, then, what's the problem?
Bill Lewis: I've been burned by the marriage game once. Do you know I spent the last six years sleeping on an empty waterbed?
Murray: That sounds terribly uncomfortable.
Bill Lewis: I just haven't had anyone to fill it for, you know?
Murray: Now you got Dolores to fill it for you.
Bill Lewis: What if she leaves me, too? I can't go through it again.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While my dad put the wedding back on track, Barry was trying to keep his relationship with Ren from going off the rails.
Ren: Look... Barry, I-I think you're great. But... I saw my old boyfriend, and I think I still have feelings for him.
Barry: You sure?
Ren: We kissed.
Barry: So... that's it? You're just gonna get back together with him?
Ren: I'm so sorry.
Barry: Me too.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, Barry didn't need a psychic to tell him how much it was gonna hurt, but luckily, he had a few shoulders to lean on.
Adam: You okay?
Barry: Not really. Stupid psychic.
Erica: Bar, no one actually knows the future. But what I can tell you is we're gonna get through this. Together.
Barry: I guess family can't break up with you.
Erica: Wouldn't even think of it.
Adam: You're stuck with us forever.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was true. In good times and in bad, family is there forever... both the family we're born into and the family that we choose.

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