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The Script Formerly Known As...

‘The Script Formerly Known As...’

Season 6, Episode 5 - Aired October 16, 1995

When Will and Hilary try to book more interesting guests for her show, she interviews a juror, George (George Wallace), who was dismissed from Uncle Phil's high-profile case. Meanwhile, Carlton tries video dating.

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: This place is so tiny. I can't even imagine how small the facial room must be.


Quote from Will

George: Okay, you're next. Hey. Whoa, hey. Now, you know I'm gonna have to charge you extra for working around these ears.
Will: Well, no, hold up, my man. Actually, I'm not here to get a haircut.
George: Well, you in the wrong place, fool.
Will: Well, no, a friend of mine sent me. Uh, you know Jazz?
George: The idiot that put the candle in his mouth?
Will: That's him.

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: Will, let me handle this. Hi. As you probably already know, I'm Hilary Banks.
George: Who?
Hilary: Ha, ha! That's very funny. I would be really honored if you would be a guest on my show.
George: What is it with you people? First, you got Geraldo coming in here. Now, you know his head is as empty as Al Capone's vault. Then you had Montel. I told Montel, "Yeah, I'll do your show when you grow some hair." Now, listen, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told them. I'm not interested in doing tabloid television. I have my dignity and I have my self-respect.
Will: We got cash.
George: You got George.

Quote from Hilary

Ashley: No, these are for me from Thad. Now what am I supposed to do?
Hilary: Please, for carnations and a little baby's breath? Nothing.

Quote from Nicky

Will: Hey, Uncle Phil, about that juror you just-
Philip: I'm sorry, Will, but I can't talk about it.
Hilary: But Daddy, the juror-
Philip: How many times do I have to tell you kids that I just can't talk about it? Ugh!
Will: Hey, Nicky, you will never guess who we got-
Nicky: How many times do I have to tell you kids? I just can't talk about it. Ugh!

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: All right, everybody, have a great show. Okay. Now, just relax, be yourself, and remember to keep your answers short. The audience didn't come to hear the guest babble on and on.

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: Hello and welcome to Hilary. Today's show is a very special tribute to fathers. But before we get to our guests I'd like to say something special about a very important man in my life. My father, Judge Philip Banks. Yesterday, a dismissed juror in the Show-Biz Madam Trial came on the show and said some really icky things about him. My cousin Will and I were, well, to say the least, shocked. And now Daddy won't even talk to us.
Will: He won't say nothing.
Hilary: And we feel like strangers in our own house. Please, Daddy, forgive us. Please.

Quote from Carlton

Michelle Williams: I'm sorry, no one answered the front door. I have a package for a Carlton Banks.
Carlton: That's me. Oh, no, not another rejection.
Michelle Williams: Bad news?
Carlton: I sent this to Last Chance Video Dating. You know, "We guarantee you a date," except if your name is Carlton Banks.
Michelle Williams: Trust me. It doesn't work if your name is Michelle Williams either.
Carlton: You tried this?
Michelle Williams: I tried them all.
Carlton: Wow. I wouldn't expect someone like you to have trouble meeting people.
Michelle Williams: The only people I meet are dogs and shut-ins.
Carlton: Why can't it be easier? I mean, why can't you just open the door and meet someone nice? [Michelle smiles] Well, bye. Oh, wait a minute. Would you? Uh... Uh... Like to go out Saturday night?
Carlton: Yeah.
Michelle Williams: Hey, I'm not-
Carlton: Coming on too strong? Not at all.
Michelle Williams: Bye. [shakes hands]
Carlton: Sweet mother of God, that's a firm handshake.

Quote from Vivian

Vivian: All right, I've heard enough. Now, I did see something good on TV today. I saw two people begging for forgiveness and feeling very badly for hurting someone that they love.
Philip: Oh, please, Vivian. Don't buy into the propaganda.
Vivian: That's enough. Now, what I wanna hear now is an apology and the acceptance of the apology. Go ahead.
Will: We sorry.
Hilary: We're sorry.
Will: We sorry, man. We sorry. Man, we sorry.
Hilary: We're really, really, really sorry, Daddy.
Vivian: Okay, now you.
Philip: [mumbles] I accept your apology.
Vivian: Philip.
Philip: I accept your apology.
Vivian: Okay. Now hug.

Quote from Will

Will: So, hey, Hil, what you think? You did a pretty good show today, huh?
Hilary: Three words: Stink. Stank. Stunk. It was the worst show we have ever done. We need better guests.
Will: Wait, wait. Don't be getting all mad at me. I'm just the assistant talent coordinator. If I had some more responsibility, maybe we'd have some better guests.
Hilary: Okay, then get me someone great for tomorrow's show.
Will: And if it were my responsibility, then I'd do it.
Hilary: Okay, I'm telling you to do it.
Will: All right, and if I thought you meant it, then I'd get it done.
Keesha: That's right, my baby can definitely get it done.
Will: Don't make me turn the hose on you, a'ight?

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