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The First Time

‘The First Time’

Season 2, Episode 16 - Aired February 14, 2000

When Bob and Midge decide to renew their wedding vows, Donna is tasked with writing their vows. While Bob asked Red to be his best man, Kitty is upset that Midge didn't ask her to be a bridesmaid.

Quote from Hyde

Donna: My parents are renewing their wedding vows.
Eric: Wait, so double-dating degenerates and skeezy bar hags just lost its appeal?
Hyde: You'd be amazed how fast skeezy bar hags lose their appeal. But then, like, two beers later, it all comes roaring back.


Quote from Eric

Donna: Finally, the insanity's over. You know, I'm really happy about this, Eric, and you should be, too. My parents have been driving me nuts, and I've probably been a little moody lately.
Eric: No. God, you haven't been moody. [mouths to Hyde] So moody.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Left leg, yellow. Will someone please help me get my pants off?
Eric: No!

Quote from Eric

Donna: Quit it.
Eric: Are you sure you have to help your parents with their wedding vows?
Donna: Yes. Quit it.
Eric: I got a vow. I vow... to kiss you so hard your pretty little red head pops off. Yeah.
Donna: No.
Eric: I could make that happen.
Donna: Quit it.
Eric: Donna, I'm sorry... But pinning me only makes it sexier.

Quote from Red

Bob: So both the ceremony and reception will be completely green and gold... In honor of the Packers.
Red: That's... classy, Bob.
Bob: And Red, since you and I have a special bond, I'd like you to be my best man.
Red: [laughs] Really?
Bob: Yep.
Red: Well, I don't know, Bob.
Kitty: Oh, I think that is just lovely. [slaps Red's head]
Red: Yeah. Fine. I'd love to be your best man.

Quote from Kitty

Bob: And, Kitty, since you and Midge are so close, she'd like to ask you a special favor.
Kitty: Oh, Bob. I would be honored to be Midge's...
Bob: She'd like you to bring chairs.
Kitty: Chair-bringer.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Well, can you beat that? Midge and I are much better friends than you and Bob.
Red: Well, men's friendships are...
Kitty: All of my life I have wanted to be a bridesmaid. None of my friends have ever asked me to be a bridesmaid.
Red: Well, that's 'cause you're too pretty.
Kitty: Oh, can it. That's not gonna work. I am gonna be a bridesmaid.
Red: Hey, wanna be the best man?

Quote from Eric

Fez: Why do we have to get all dressed up for this stupid rehearsal dinner?
Eric: Because my mom said so.
Hyde: And we don't argue with mommy.

Quote from Laurie

Laurie: Here, loser, Mom wants you to put this on.
Kelso: Hey, Laurie.
Laurie: Where have you been, you idiot?
Kelso: Oh, well, Jackie was...
Laurie: I told you never to say that name to me. We have a relationship!
Kelso: See, that's true, so...
Laurie: Shut up!

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Jackie, hear me out. I am not helping with any of the wedding stuff.
Jackie: Good.
Kelso: Oh, nice try, Jackie, but the reverse psychology's not gonna work on me. My mind's too powerful.
Jackie: Whatever.
Kelso: Okay. No, wait. Jackie, that's confusing! I'm not chasing after you! [follows Jackie]

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