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That '70s Finale

‘That '70s Finale’

Season 8, Episode 22 - Aired May 18, 2006

It's New Year's Eve and everyone is ready to say goodbye to the '70s. Donna is keen to get away from Point Place before Eric returns home, while Kitty has second thoughts about moving to Florida. Meanwhile, Jackie and Fez are nervous about their first kiss.

Quote from Hyde

Kitty: I just can't wait to see my Eric. [chuckles] I wonder what he'll look like?
Hyde: I'm going to go out on a limb and say... skinny.


Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Yeah, things are going great in Chicago. I even taught my baby daughter how to say, "Burn." She doesn't use it right, though. I get her a lot more than she gets me.
Hyde: Hey, you still doing security at the Playboy Club?
Kelso: Yeah. I got promoted to supervisor. I'm the guy who says, "Don't touch." Can you believe that? Me!

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Fez, this really shouldn't be this hard.
Fez: Look, I just want everybody to know how much I love you. I always have. [they kiss]
Jackie: That was really nice.
Fez: Yeah, you have a really strong tongue.
Jackie: [chuckles] Yeah. It's from all the talking.

Quote from Red

Red: Just when I thought I can't like Florida any more, they reinstate the death penalty.

Quote from Red

Kitty: Red, you are not gonna believe what just came for you.
Red: My Packer tickets.
Kitty: I know. Isn't it terrific?
Red: Fifth row. You can hear the knees blowing out from there. I can't believe I have to give them away.
Kitty: What?
Red: I know how much you're looking forward to Florida. I wouldn't do that to you.
Kitty: Red, I don't want to move.
Red: What?
Kitty: Well, I was gonna tell you, but ever since we decided to move you've been so happy and smiley and you're never that way except for when you kill a deer. Red, this is my home. I don't wanna leave.
Red: Kitty, we don't have to go anywhere. I don't care where I live, as long as I'm with you.
Kitty: Really?
Red: Of course.
Kitty: Red.
Red: I love you.
Kitty: Oh, I love you, too.
Red: I was talking to the tickets.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Oh, hey, man. If you're looking for Forman, he's still not here.
Donna: I'm not here to see him. I just wanna get drunk and ring in the New Year with my friends.
Hyde: Oh. Well, in that case, welcome aboard Wasted Airlines. Should you experience a loss of buzz, a beer will fall into your hand. Please make sure to drink that beer before helping small children with theirs.

Quote from Leo

Red: Everybody, we have an announcement. We've decided not to sell the house. We're going to stay in Point Place.
Leo: Hey, that's so weird, man. I was just thinking of moving to Point Place.

Quote from Bob

Red: Now listen, Bob, I know that you were counting on me for the bait shop and all.
Bob: Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm a big boy. I can make it on my own. I'm gonna miss you so much. [hugs Red]

Quote from Fez

Jackie: Wow, you're getting really good at this kissing thing.
Fez: It's magical. I couldn't ask for anything else. So when do we get to second base?

Quote from Fez

Donna: Well, classes start on Monday and Eric gets back at five, so I just wanna like get out of here before all the drama.
Hyde: Wait a second. If you're actually going, then who's going to be the recipient of Fez's traditional midnight feel-up?
Donna: Well, I was thinking that Fez will be feeling up Jackie. I mean, she's his new victim. I mean, girlfriend.
Fez: Oh, I don't know. Jackie and I haven't even had our first official kiss yet.
Jackie: Yeah, it's been a little hard making the transition.
Fez: Yeah, I don't know what to do because now that she's not pushing me away and saying, "Get off," it's just awkward.

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