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Season 1, Episode 3 - Aired September 6, 1998

Eric and the guys decide to streak when Gerald Ford makes a campaign stop in Point Place. Meanwhile, Red gets the opportunity to ask the President a question.

Quote from Donna

Eric: Hey, what are you doing hiding over- Okay.
Donna: Back off. I am a flag. Are you gonna streak?
Eric: No, we took a vote and it's unanimous. We're all very chicken.
Donna: That's too bad. It's been a while since I've seen you naked.
Eric: You've never seen me naked.
Donna: Like a zillion times. When we were kids, you were always running around the neighborhood naked, screaming, "Wee, wee! Pee, pee!"


Quote from Eric

Mr. Burkhart: Now it's time for the "Q" and "A" portion of our program. First up, I'd like to introduce Red Forman. Red is a father of two wonderful children and how he's managed to keep them clothed and fed while being cut back to halftime at the plant is beyond me. But he doesn't blame the President for his misfortune. No, sir. He only blames himself. I give you Red Forman! [applause]
Red: [stutters nervously] [microphone screeches] [clears throat] Mr. President, I... I...
[slow motion:]
Mr. Burkhart: Come on, Red.
Kelso: Your dad is bombing.
[Eric puts on the Richard Nixon mask and removes his trench coat, throwing it over Donna. He stands at the end of the aisle naked:]
Eric: Wee, wee! Pee, pee!
[Eric yells and then runs out, followed by a secret service agent]
Red: Hey, Gerry, here's my question. How the hell could you pardon Nixon? [applause]

Quote from Eric

Donna: How could they not catch you?
Eric: I guess no one wants to tackle a naked guy.
Donna: So true.
Eric: You didn't see anything, did you?
Donna: No. Well... maybe just a bit. But not the bit.
Eric: Wait, what do you mean "bit"?

Quote from Kelso

Eric: Wow. The President's coming.
Kelso: You know what we should do? That door thing again!
Eric: Yeah!

Quote from Bob

Mr. Burkhart: Now, the most important part of our presidential rally is the townspeople "Q" and "A" section.
Bob: Just so, everyone's clear the "Q" stands for "Question", the "A" for "Answer." All yours, Jack.
Mr. Burkhart: This is where normal folks step up to the microphone and ask the President questions. Now, the important thing is to choose the right person, you know. A working class guy. Your average Joe. I guess someone you and I would call a loser.
[A lamp turns on behind Bob's head]

Quote from Bob

Bob: See? When we stand together, we're the American flag.
Donna: I'm not wearing a striped jumpsuit.
Midge: Oh.
Bob: No, honey, you're the field of blue.
Donna: Bye, now. [exits]
Bob: But, Donna, you're part of the family. Oh, my, this hurts. [answers phone] Yello.
Red: Good news, Bob. I've been thinking about it and I've decided, I will ask Ford a question.
Bob: Oh, jeez, Red, this is good news. And I could sure use it right about now.
Red: Yeah, well, glad I could help.

Quote from Eric

Kelso: Hey, there's another guy in a trench coat.
Fez: I bet he's a streaker, too.
Eric: No, Fez, he's with Secret Service.
Fez: How about that man?
Eric: Yeah, Secret Service.
Fez: And that man?
Eric: Yeah.
Fez: And that man with the dog?
Eric: Yeah.
Fez: Oh, the dog is looking at us. Come here, boy.
Eric: No, Fez!

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: I just thought of something, too. We're naked, and there's a lot of dogs here. Maybe we should just sit down.
Hyde: I'm in.
Eric: Me, too.
Fez: Me, too.

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