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Love, Wisconsin Style

‘Love, Wisconsin Style’

Season 4, Episode 27 - Aired May 21, 2002

It seems everyone is mad at Donna after she skips school and gets drunk with Casey Kelso. Meanwhile, Jackie and Kelso try to get back together.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Michael, I can't do this anymore. Look, Michael, if you want to choose me, then choose me. I mean, really choose me. Let's get married.
Kelso: What?
Jackie: Michael, all our problems are because we haven't decided we're gonna be together forever. So let's decide.
Kelso: Hold on. You want to get married?
Jackie: Yes, Michael! Yes, I accept! Oh! [kisses Kelso] Oh, my God! You know what? I gotta go tell my dad. And you- you have to buy a ring. [gasps] Just think about it: We are going to be the Burkhart-Kelsos!
Kelso: The Who-hart What-os?


Quote from Eric

Eric: Well, stop, okay? Because, I already feel bad enough as it is.
Kitty: Well, you should.
Eric: Well, I do! I love her. God, why do I always have to screw these things up, you know? Why does everything always have to be my way? That's why we broke up in the first place.
Kitty: Uh-huh, well, we've all known that for a year!
Eric: Okay. Okay, I have to tell Donna how I feel.
Red: Then go! [Eric exits]
Kitty: Oh, Red.
Red: I know. We're never gonna get him out of the house.

Quote from Bob

Eric: Donna? Oh, hello, Mr. Pinciotti, Mrs ... I'm sorry, Joanne. I don't know your last name. I have something to tell you guys. I love Donna.
Joanne: Well, she isn't here. We don't know where she is. And- And it's Stupak.
Eric: Well, uh, if it's okay, I'll just wait.
Bob: Sure. I always liked you.
Eric: Oh, thank you, sir.
Bob: But do me a favor. Don't play with her undergarments.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Something reeks! Man! Where are you going?
Donna: Bus station. I'm going to my mom's in California.
Kelso: Oh, my God. You're running away.
Donna: I don't know what else to do.
Kelso: No, I know how you feel. Jackie wants to get married. To me!
Donna: What?
Kelso: Look, a lot of people don't know this about us, but... Jackie's pretty much in charge. So it might happen. But it won't happen if I'm not here. You know what, I'll drive you. We'll both go to California.
Donna: Kelso, are you up for this?
Kelso: Hey, if the Beverly Hillbillies can do it, so can I.
Donna: Great, let's go. Oh, my God. What stinks?
Kelso: This town, baby. [engine starts] We're leaving that smell behind.

Quote from Eric

Eric: So, Mr. Hammond said it was fine for me to miss class 'cause I'm already getting an "A." So just as you suspected, Mom, I am better than everybody.
Kitty: All I know is, my little boy was very brave at the dentist today. Wasn't he? Yes, he was, my "wittle snicklefwitz." [laughs]
Eric: Okay, Mom, uh, when a boy reaches a certain age, the baby voice no longer comforts him. It urges him to kill.

Quote from Donna

Casey: Okay, let's, uh, get you some coffee. Nobody pukes in the Trans Am.
Donna: [gasps] Mrs. Forman. Uh-oh, you look mad. [sighs] What did Eric do? Bad Eric!
Kitty: Donna? Why aren't you in school?
Casey: No worries. I called her in sick. I told 'em "lady troubles." No questions asked. [Donna stumbles]
Eric: Oh, hey. Easy there, wobbles.
Kitty: Have you been drinking?
Donna: I hope so. 'Cause if not, this whole place is a-spinnin'! Hang on, boys, it's a twister!

Quote from Eric

Eric: Hey, you know what? Donna getting busted is actually great for me because now she's got to realize what a jackass Casey is. And when she dumps him, I'll be standing right here with open arms and a gentle "I told you so." Oh, yeah, that could happen. After all, I mean... I made that girl a woman.
Kelso: I made Jackie a woman. Like, a thousand times.

Quote from Fez

Fez: We stole dead fish.
Kelso: Dead fish? What are you going to do with dead fish?
Hyde: You're missing the point, man! We stole dead fish!
Fez: Ah, you just don't get it.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Ah, this fish is so stinky. What the hell are we going to do with the stinky?
Hyde: It's simple, man. We're gonna find a place to hide the stinky and ruin someone's day. Now, question is: where, how and who?
[When Hyde throws the basketball, it hits Kelso's car and knocks a hubcap off]
Hyde: The answer is: there, that and Kelso.
Fez: Oh, it's like a bowl. A bowl for the stinky. And we will put it, and he'll never find it, and it will smell forever!

Quote from Bob

Bob: What the hell's going on with you? You're grounded! No arguments!
Donna: Dad, I'm not grounded.
Bob: Okay, well, then, whatever you think is best.
Joanne: No, not whatever she thinks is best. You are grounded.
Donna: Hey, you're not my mother. You have no say in what I do. [exits]
Bob: Well, she's got you there.

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